Yeah, I...yeah, thanks. Way to go for me, eh? xD
~~18%. 18 fucing %. For the love of god that's 1/5 of your bloody nation, wtf?~~
Edit: Nvm, tired and can't read for shit.
I may be outsider but lower graphic level horror games actually work more for me, because imagination fills the gaps better than engine rendering plastic looking tentacles can
God dammit. Do you actually mean nationalism or do you mean patriotism? They are not the same, and I've seen nationalism mostly in the bad guys territory on cartoons, even that rarely tho.
Next week official definition of nazi changed to "Either left or right wing extremist not affiliated with federal goverment of USA" ^^
There are electronic keys. NFC and the like. Better yet, if you have a smart watch it can act like a key.
Said it first time, and I'll say it again. 2022 - even executives don't agree. 1 in 5? Whole 20% of them. 80% of people who have in their best interest to milk you dry still didn't agree people don't want to work. xD
Already ahead of you. Gaijin repeats time after time that they cannot under any circumstances use classified/leaked info for stats. Like they legally can't. So if you post it, they can't do anything with it neither now nor ever. xD
We had great teachers, don't take ne wrong. Simply nobody trusted them anyway. Like, once I had a teacher that whole class was ready to throw hands for, yet still, except for joking around, nobody trusted her.
Maybe it's cultural thing, I dunno.
Well...if it's true, I cannot imagine how that guy feels. Alas fick him nonetheless.
I get that it's the aim but I am gonna be blunt. I never trusted any tracher. I liked a few, but that's it...and when I grew up, this was mirrored in most of the male group. Girls tended to be more open to teachers, but that's it. Is it any different today?
I am gonna be honest. Atomic Habits and the like helped me immensely recover my life outside the work. I don't have lotsa energy, and I have no motivation whatsoever. It was always like that. But these shitass books, well, more excerpts from them actually helped me to get back some of my life. After that, I managed to start working on my mental health.
What I am going for is - don't bash something only because it's being sold. :( These are just tools.