
joined 2 years ago
[–] Delphia 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Australia has the best Vegemite.

[–] Delphia 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

What did you do with it? Because you sure as fuck havent cooked any of it.

[–] Delphia 6 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I like the White Men Cant Jump remake.

I actually think that theres some movies that SHOULD be remade every 15 to 20 years. I would watch Major League if it was remade every 5 to 10 years. New city, new cast, new jokes, new location, callbacks, subverting expectations... but same premise a shitty baseball team needs to get better or else. Give young up and coming actors an excuse to have fun, ham it up, play a wacky character.

Hell make it a punishment for being the statistically worst team for the season that they make it. "Sorry Boston but... you really ate shit this year..."

[–] Delphia 4 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Go on facebook marketplace, buy cheapest car near me that runs rhe have "car accident" in the wee hours.

[–] Delphia 6 points 2 weeks ago

Racists: Dey tuk ur jeeeerrrrrbs!

[–] Delphia 33 points 2 weeks ago

The secret is to give up on having time for yourself and find the zen in the things you have to do anyway.

You ever wonder why dads tend to become all about their yard, their bbq and DIY? Because if I have to mow the fucking lawn, feed my family and fix shit all the fucking time I might as well find the satisfaction in a job well done.

[–] Delphia 22 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

Id say that the UK also needs to remove their heads from their asses and realise that they are part of Europe and act accordingly. Their ego over their past empire is poisoning them slowly. They are too powerful for Europe to not have but too weak to truly stand on their own.

[–] Delphia 11 points 2 weeks ago

"Your Honor, I was trying to get the Kleenex pregnant."

[–] Delphia 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

America didnt effectively clean their house for 50 years, their house is now so infested with rats that they are coming onto our property and Americans want to be involved in our discussions on our rat problems because they have it worse...

[–] Delphia 2 points 2 weeks ago

Never forget in the story of Jesus the hero was killed by the state - Killer Mike.

[–] Delphia 7 points 2 weeks ago

They are.

A 600lb person walking a mile burns significantly more calories than a 200lb person doing the same thing. Im 200lbs and I can back squat 300lbs, a 600lb person squatting down and standing back up is moving more weight than I am... If they can manage it.

[–] Delphia 0 points 2 weeks ago

You want to see them get really mad? Suggest that if they want to share the road they should also pay registration.

(Not something I believe, we just had an avid cyclist at work who was enormous fun to shit stir.


Seriously, I love this series so much. The Audiobooks are amazing.


A lot of the press about AI/Machine learning is doom and gloom. What do you think are some good use cases that would improve every day peoples lives?

submitted 2 years ago by Delphia to c/writing

Im trying to put a Scifi universe down on (digital) paper and Ive found that the process doesnt really lend itself to linear type word processing software. Least not for me.

Is there some tool that writers use for plotting out long arcs or keeping their reference material easily accessable to avoid anachronisms or inconsistencies. Possibly something that allows internal linking to other chapters?

Knock Knock. (Short story) (self.maliciouscompliance)

The managers offices have windows that look out onto the main floor, I'm a training officer and sometime supervisor so although I look in the windows before I go in I'm generally "read in" on anything going on so If the doors closed I dont pay it much mind unless the boss is having a closed door with a staff member.

I went to walk in the door and got it half open before the facility manager bodily slams it closed. He looks out the window and sees its me, and says "Learn to knock!" gives me some paperwork to chase up.

3 minutes later I come back with paperwork, he is sitting there back to the window... with his coffee. I made eye contact with the other supervisors and went full cheshire cat. I waited till he lifted his cup and I closed fist pounded on that door like I had a fucking warrant.

He came about 3 inches out of his chair and wore the whole cup.

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