
joined 1 year ago
[–] DeepThought42 1 points 1 month ago

As far as I'm aware nothing will stop them from trying to do that. It's up to the judge (or judges if it goes to an appeal) to decide whether their argument makes sense. While I'd hope that a competent judge will see their shenanigans for what it is, I have no doubt that someone has made that strategy work at some point.

To be clear, I'm not a lawyer, so naturally don't take my word for it.

[–] DeepThought42 81 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (5 children)

"I was surprised that there were not more objections," from the defense team he added. "At one point, the court ... objected, because there was no objection coming from the defense."

Either they are bad lawyers or they were strategically withholding their objections in order to file the mistrial motion. I fully expect this to be brought up again in an appeal, assuming Trump loses the case.

[–] DeepThought42 4 points 1 month ago

Just as well. It's still pretty buggy.

FYI: STARC-52845 - "Getting error 30031 when flying to CRU-L1"

Note that the IC is being particularly buggy this morning, so don't be surprised if you get an error. That URL was generating a 404 for me earlier when they first posted that MOTD update. Seems to be working now though.

[–] DeepThought42 69 points 2 months ago (5 children)

Real shame they blew up those statues of Buddha. Those might have draw in some tourists. :|

[–] DeepThought42 24 points 2 months ago

People who say that scientists are paid liars clearly need to meet more scientists.

[–] DeepThought42 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I've already scaled back my use owning in part to the LLM (AI) menace and general enshitification, but if my country (USA) went fully authoritarian I would definitely scale back my use of the Internet even more.

[–] DeepThought42 26 points 2 months ago

I thank you from the bottom of my heart for addition of "Guzzle my entire septic tank." to my repertoire of insulting phrases. 😆

[–] DeepThought42 4 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

LOL, thanks for that article link. Fun read.

I can't speak authoritatively regarding ocean cruises as I've only ever been on a river cruise. It was, from what I've come to understand, a very different experience. However, I have become acquainted with a number of regular ocean cruise goers and the authors comments regarding it being part cult and part pyramid scheme rings true in my mind. There's definitely an almost cult-like adoration of cruise ships and the cruising life-style. Those people plan their lives around their next cruise. The amount of time and money they spend on cruises can be... shocking.

The only other antidote I can give is my experience witnessing what happens when a cruise ship full of tourists let out at what was a few minutes before a relatively quiet historical destination. The place was an ancient coastal fortification (sorry, I won't give the precise name/location as I prefer to not give out too many details of my life/travels), and for a couple hours prior to the arrival of the cruise ship it was fairly quiet with only a smattering of other tourists there, allowing us to explore the ruins and mull over some of it's curious architectural features and generally speculate as to how it's inhabitants may have lived. Suddenly, we heard a cacophony of voices, many of them shouting. Soon, the entire place (it was a sizable, sprawling fortification) was practically overrun with cruise passengers who had apparently been dropped off like toddlers to a daycare by their weary mothers. Seemingly, being on a cruise entitles you to be as loud and obnoxious as possible. It was clear, that many weren't even aware of what this place was or it's historical significance based on the many stupid questions we heard blurted out at the top of their lungs. We tried to solder on, but eventually we were forced to retreat out of frustration and embarrassment (most of the cruise goers were clearly from North America just like us). Anyway, it was probably the event that most solidified the idea in my mind that I do not wish to ever take part in an ocean cruise. Despite this event taking place more than two decades ago, the thought of being around people like that nearly 24/7 to this day fills me with profound dread.

[–] DeepThought42 20 points 2 months ago

Just another delay tactic. Here's hoping that the courts eventually get tired of all his BS and throw the book at him.

[–] DeepThought42 11 points 2 months ago
  1. It would be a pain in the ass
  2. You'd still have to post (alt)text for accessibility reasons
  3. OCR exists
[–] DeepThought42 7 points 2 months ago

Bummer. Thanks for the head's up.

[–] DeepThought42 7 points 3 months ago

Interesting experience. Very buggy, but still encouraging to actually see a multi-server instance in action with hundreds of players in that instance. Can't wait for more testing when hopefully they have missions working across boundaries and some of the most egregious, server crashing bugs resolved.

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