obsidian for everything and sync to all devices
open source, can be self hosted or you can use the official instance.
Personally I have been using KDE connect most of the time when I am at home.
Pairdrop I use more when sharing with other people across the internet.
You can run a gui-less service that recieves and displays push notifications. I've programmed something like this before. I know it is technically a kind of client, but it is not an email-client.
Is the '%MARKDOWN' part of your example correct? That should also be converted to a dash? Or did you forget the 20 there?
ask deepseek to summarize the video and post the text result here
The picture is perfectly ironic.
Even if it was not meant this way it can be interpreted as: an idealist preaching his philosophy to somebody who actually gets real work done.
(there is probably also a joke about the patriarchy and mansplaining in there somewhere)
So, did it?
Not sure if troll, but I'll explain just in case.
You wrote:
Perhaps not everyone uses the platform the same way you do?
What I meant was that you can see an exact number of the people thatuse the platform one way or the other (enjoy youtube link posts vs those who don't enjoy them) in the likes and dislikes (on the original post).
Calculating the ratio is as simple as dividing one number by the other ... but it is a bit more useful to divide one of the votes against the total number of people who voted. You can further normalize the results as percentages.
Currently there are 23 upvotes and 26 downvotes. That results in:
- Upvote Percentage: ~47%
- Downvote Percentage: ~53%
(and I challange you to do the math yourself because I am too lazy to type it out)
The point is - this percentages (or the ratio of likes to dislikes) represent the groups of people you talk about. Why are you saying "perhaps not everyone ..." when you can see that about half of the people are enjoying the content and half don't.
(I know the numbers are not perfectly correlated to the attributes we discuss, due to bots, irrational votes etc. but they are good enough to get an approximation)
Further trivia about the term "ratio" in the context of social media platforms, especially twitter: https://reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/n25w8s/whats_the_deal_with_the_term_ratio_on_twitter/
The "why" comments in this thread are a similar kind of ratio concept as on twitter. Even though here we have likes and dislikes directly visible.
I code in silence.
But when I listen to music I REEEEAALLYYYYY L I S T E N. Stuff like Tool, Coin Locker Kid, Kaoru Abe - and I find it impossible to concentrate on code while those play, they mentally drag me in.
You can see the ratio ... in the ratio.
Maybe? I saw a presentation from the dev, not sure if it will run on windows though