If it was a quote from one of her potter books it's likely one of her ghost writers
Probably the incumbent Democrat. Losing the popular vote doesn't really disqualify thou gettin winning the office
The Democrats are in the white house. So all Americans are Democrats
Not just recumbents. In the late 90s Kestral unveiled some super cool and aero road bike frames that did away with the classic dual triangle frame design entirely. UCI banned those as well and i will never not be salty about it
That's so fucking creepy to me. There's a popular porn star that looks like my cousin and i can't even watch those videos. Creepy Don fucked a woman that reminds him of his DAUGHTER. 🤮🤮🤮
I got a 2 year degree from a community college and then went to technical school. Im a blue collar hourly worker. None of my formal education (which ended nearly 20 years ago) included political science.
I educated myself so i wouldn't sound ignorant talking about things i am interested in. It's not hard. Libraries are free and the internet is full of information
I relearned basic math when my kids started school. I was 30. It's not too late to learn new tricks. The new math they teach makes mental math much easier.
If you've never bothered to learn anything about political science, there's no need to be proud of it. Just read a little and educate yourself
That's the difference between a good musician/ band and a bad one.
The real sin of tiktok is that it's got more viewers than television networks
It's cheaper then rent. It raises my credit score. And i finally have ultimate authority on what i can do to decorate and maintain my home.
Honestly after over a decade of belonging I'd never be able to own my own place it was a huge relief to get a mortgage
It's a thought experiment. Women are asked if they'd rather stumble upon a bear or a man in the woods. Most women choose bear. Some boys got really offended at the women's choice.