I'm sure the wannabe crime lord who flies gangs of thugs halfway around the world to attack people had nothing to do with this gang of thugs attacking people.
I wanted to but a NAS system anyways to do house backups and stuff.
And this system is RAIDed so getting everything on to the NAS will be easiest and start the process of setting up backups for the home.
Welp. Time to buy a NAS to back up all my stuff and rebuild this pc with Linux.
If you're happy then you're happy. No one else can tell you what you want. If you're unhappy with your situation find a therapist to help you work through it but you're not a loser for wanting to be on your own. Not at all.
Grifters go where the easiest marks are.
Just two morons desperate for approval.
lol. The guy you were responding to thought you were agreeing with home with this meme.
I'm unable to turn off this setting right now. Getting an error reported. I'm sure this is totally unrelated to people finding out about it and turning it off.
Exactly! It's when you DON'T hear numbers that you've gotta worry.
Da, comrade! Is good candidate, nyet?
Pretty much never.