That’s what the polonium pod attached to the dome is for.
Can someone explain/ruin the joke so I know what the kids are saying these days?
Please explain usage of the word “movement”. Do you mean “the right way of lifting” or do you mean “the weightlifting revolution,” comrade?
You forgot the frikandel speciaal.
“Two turtle ducks and a part squid in a persimmon treeeee….”
His family has something to do with that. You can’t even hear most of his speeches without throwing money at them.
What term constituted “mastodon stuff” to prompt your comment? Haven’t yet tried mastodon so just curious.
Is this a depressed mark ruffalo? What movie is this from?
Hey, maybe you would know… why are pharmacies/pharmacists being sued for the opioid crisis? I could understand suing pharmacies back in the day when pharmacists were able to dispense meds without a Dr’s Rx, but when Congress stripped pharmacists of basically all power except strictly following a written script in the early 80s as part of the war on drugs, it seems like modern pharmacies have two options with an opioid Rx. Do their jobs and fill it, or do their jobs and don’t fill it. And the filling it job seems like the more responsible choice. I am a lawyer and I really don’t understand the theory of recovery and I enjoy talking about it more than reading up on it. Is it just that the pharmacies have deep pockets?
So capitalism has existed since "about all of history"? About as dumb a take as folks insisting that the Israel/Palestine conflict has been going on for thousands of years.
"Who gives a fuck about an Oxford Comma ... " - Vampire Weekend. Apparently you and I do, after seeing the commenter's sentence construction.
All I know is that PalmTran in south east Florida became wildly unpredictable during the Great Recession due to suicide by train. Many many times it was shut down do to people offing themselves on the tracks.