Some sink plungers have a collapsible flange hidden inside
"I agree in principle that it's possible to disagree with someone and still be friends, but I don't want to be your friend"
Songbirds in general can be unexpectedly vicious
An unyielding deference to the corporate machine might stop someone from doing that, if they were afflicted with such a curse
I'm not saying you should sign up, interview, get the job, and then ghost them. That's NOT what I'm telling you to do.
"Anything that isn't nothing"
Helps me push through when executive dysfunction hits. Getting outside for even just a little bit is a whole lot better than staying inside while telling myself I'm going to run 3 miles, for example
The Sandlot for me
You can also do it without buying an expensive plane ticket but that hasn't stopped the idea of "raw-dogging a flight" from spreading
And this is the magical part where we recognize that both can exist
Interesting in concept i guess, but orders of magnitude less efficient than a train.
Call me crazy but I wear gloves when cleaning toilets