Are you supposed to get some chicken and some waffle in each bite? Or is this just an excuse to add some maple syrup to your fried chicken? Not hating just asking. I myself like to dredge the remaining maple syrup up off my plate using bacon after I'm done with my French toast or pancakes.
joined 2 years ago
No worries, noob here too, it worked eventually. I'm using a 3rd party app called Connect, and it doesn't handle links well yet lol.
My app isn't loading your link, but it better be "thinkin about them beans"
How big was it? Normal ticks don't carry Lyme's disease and are about the size of a pencil eraser. Deer ticks do carry Lyme disease and are much smaller, they are more like the tip of a pencil.
I also think connect is closest, although there's functionality I'm really missing right now, like being able to save posts, hide posts, and sort comment sections by new/best/controversial.
Also, idk if it's a bug, but a lot of the posts I look at don't show as read after clicking them.
reminds me of this old video where that phrase is doubled up to a million