I’m not sure that they do fully know those risks on a truly visceral level. Certainly at the 18-24 stage it was more passion than so-called “real life” experience for me. I’m not denigrating acting on that passion - it’s absolutely driven cultural conversations through generations - but I think consequences are more abstract in that era of age which allows more unfettered expression than we find in older adults. This is mostly a pedantic clarification.
I feel like maybe he hasn’t and we just prescribed things about him that were never real. He’s got a few progressive type positions (lgbt, legal weed), but beyond that I’m not sure he was ever the progressive we thought he was. We just cloaked him in things and he never disabused us of it until now where the rubber meets the road. I’m greatly disappointed, but the lesson for me is to look closer at people rather than “thinking” their beliefs align with my values.
Well damn, that just clicked for me.
Well, yes. But I didn’t think he ever lived in York County.
I’m afraid you’re going to lose your patience, but that’s okay. :)
Depending on the child, sleep can be a very challenging experience. It may be a “phase” but may run longer than you’d hope.
You can look at switching from two naps to one nap or trying for a bit more play before the evening bedtime. Maybe some noise machine if you think that the waking up is due to environmental factors.
Any way, hang in there… you’re doing great!
Sideways pictures of people climbing a Via Ferrata?
RIP Lance Reddick :(
Thanks for saving me from having to click the link!
Ooooh, this oughta be good.
You’re allowed to not be ready to do something like that even if it would make your son happy. It’s okay to put up boundaries for your mental health.
Lots of folks get inspired at different times in the country or in their lives. At 50 minutes is one particular story about Justin Douglas.
Like how “you are what you eat”, our country renews itself with a new generation feeling the call to action and actually running for something.
I like beans in mine.