I never really had sounds in the 90s. Always caused my mom to get headaches. All video games were played on low or no volume.
joined 1 year ago
She doesn't have much white fur. Compared to my calico that has clearly white fur and orange and black.
Is half a pot of black coffee too much?
I love the flavor of the old school hash.
My coffee is shaking I didn't order my coffee shaking
I worked at a assembly plant. One dude was throwing small screws at another coworker. He was fired for it.
What does that have to do with a woman wanting a taller man?
I understand, why not just use stilts or shoes with large soles? You would be proportionally off, wouldn't it be weird to be 6 foot tall and have short arms?
What part of be taller is the goal?
Must change your DNA...
The not so united...
That's the phone tree for ... uh ...
snow day?
Can't start my brain today.