I find it crazy how much niche information that some people on the internet seem to know.
Xkcd I'm one of the 10000...
Spaghetti or meatless Spaghetti. A jar of sauce and noodles.
Potatoes, make em anyway, they are usually cheap and take little ingredients. Mashed, roasted, fried...
Avoid prepared foods though, they cost more than doing the work yourself.
Like group up and pool our money... all 50 states ... possibly call it something... I think emergency something administration. 🤔 idk there used to be smart people for this sort of thing.
Definitely looks like the end game here. Privatize everything and profit off of it in as many ways possible.
Try the app plantnet
Also, wrong community.
Two days later...
I have been slowly doing that since the pandemic. I have only a small group of people I still talk to.
That's hilarious. I love it when they haven't come to a conclusion regarding a conspiracy.
Baby sitting. Bart tries his best to prove Lisa is a bad baby sitter and dislocated his arm and slams his head against the wall and knocked himself out.
Maybe mixing up episodes 🤔
Elections aren't about what you can do, it's a popularity contest.