
joined 1 year ago
[–] CrazyLikeGollum 2 points 1 day ago

Either Consent to Treatment by Blue October or Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd

I still enjoy both albums, but Wish You Were Here has pretty much always been my favorite album. It is also, coincidentally, the album I was birthed to.

[–] CrazyLikeGollum 5 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I think it’s time for caffeine, it took about three seconds too long to remember that hydrothermal and thermonuclear are two very different things.

[–] CrazyLikeGollum 15 points 1 week ago

Not a 2029 problem, maybe could have been clearer there. The clock is set 30 years behind. So, the clock will roll over to the year 2000 in 2030, meaning it will be a problem to address in 2029.

[–] CrazyLikeGollum 23 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Oh no, you misunderstand. I support a Unix system. Not Linux, not BSD, not Solaris. Y2K will be a problem in 2029 if don’t remember to set the clock back. Assuming the PDP-11 still works by then.

[–] CrazyLikeGollum 32 points 1 week ago (5 children)

And on this day, I’m glad I only support an air-gapped Unix system.

[–] CrazyLikeGollum 6 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Right? Don’t believe the lies of the Numenorean deep state. You’re being brainwashed by Elven space lasers! Can you really trust a man who would marry an Elf? It’s an abomination.

Sauron lives! The King’s Men will rise up, throw down the Elves, their Dunedain lap dogs, and claim Valinor in His name.

All praise be to Morgoth and his Chief Lieutenant Sauron! Hail the Great Eye!

Find out more on my blog.

[–] CrazyLikeGollum 10 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I think a lot of the criticism of DISCO is overblown. It’s definitely a fun watch, but it never really feels like Star Trek. It feels like an action sci-fi show wearing a heavy coat of Star Trek paint.

It was good once I accepted it for what it is and stopped expecting it to be something like what I generally expect Star Trek to be.

[–] CrazyLikeGollum 43 points 2 weeks ago

There have been several shows that I’ve watched on CR that have been made a lot better by being able to read the comments section. Either because it’s One Piece and there’s always one guy giving you the timestamp to skip the recap or because the series I’m watching is actually pretty bad and a bunch of people are making jokes at the shows expense.

It’s been rare that I’ve seen someone on CR be overly negative or toxic without getting shutdown fast. It’s usually pretty wholesome and fun.

[–] CrazyLikeGollum 6 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

A prior post here provides a pretty good summary of the context.

[–] CrazyLikeGollum 6 points 2 weeks ago

At least for desktop computers, you have the power switch on the back of the PSU. Assuming your PSU is actually ATX compliant and not some proprietary or otherwise non-standard bullshit.

That switch is inline with the AC input and will kill power to the device completely.

[–] CrazyLikeGollum 6 points 3 weeks ago

If you go that route, and assuming you’re in the US, I’d recommend looking for a government civilian job rather than a contractor position. The pay will be slightly lower, but you’ll have pretty steady pay increases year-to-year, the benefits will almost certainly be better, and you’ll have better job security.

The major downside will be that you’ll likely wind up working for/with a bunch of people who are just trying to keep their heads down and coast until retirement. A major upside will be that you’ll almost certainly be able to retire comfortably.

[–] CrazyLikeGollum -2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I would say the potential for misuse, while definitely present, is outweighed by the potential benefits.

A creep watching you from their basement is less likely to act on their dangerous impulses.

An overcrowded bar, poses a lot of risks in itself and the ability to determine how crowded the bar is without having to be physically present can mitigate your exposure to those risks.

In a crowded bar you have a higher risk of being drugged or assaulted because security and staff will likely be distracted or simply unable to notice and intervene. Also, in the event of an emergency that requires you to be able exit quickly, such as a fire or earthquake not only will it be much more difficult to leave it’s also more likely that people will panic and exasperate the problem.

Is a camera with a public live feed the best way to achieve that? No, probably not. But it’s simple, cheap, and gets the job done.

A bar is also a public venue. In a public place you have absolutely no reasonable expectation of privacy. So, while in most circumstances it’s unreasonable to expect that you’re being recorded, it’s equally unreasonable to expect that you’re not.

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