Can't believe this is getting downvoted.
No country, for any reason, should ever have the right to disenfranchise an individual and force their enlistment. Authoritarianism of this nature should never be supported.
Can't believe this is getting downvoted.
No country, for any reason, should ever have the right to disenfranchise an individual and force their enlistment. Authoritarianism of this nature should never be supported.
Fucking "libertarian"s giving anarchists a bad name.
Nice false dichotomy you keep forcing. If you had an ounce of critical thought you'd see how fucking stupid you sound.
Being against the US's oppressive imperialism doesn't mean support for other, equally oppressive imperialist countries.
Fuck off already mate. You're only making a fool of yourself.
I hate my fucking state so much. I wish I wasn't stuck here.
My Uncle is a close friend of Jeff Landry (R-Louisiana) and voted for Trump.
Constantly would demonize illegal immigrants with all kinds of vitriolic accusations. Then would immediately brag that his hydro seeding company is making so much profit because he hires almost exclusively illegal immigrants and pays them peanuts under the table.
I've reported him to the state numerous times but nothing ever gets done (remember who he is close friends with now...)
I hope he goes out of business. I hope it ruins him.
I must have missed this when I was reading Odd Thomas and Cold Fire.
When the state and its agents fail to utilize their monopoly on violence to uphold justice and provide no alternative to escape the injustices in one's life, it leaves the victim with no other alternative but to enact justice by their own hand with the means most readily available to them.
Vigilante justice is the solution to systemic injustice.
It just absolutely sucks that psychedelics and marijuana are being wrapped up in this bullshit.
Cause that's obviously the only other possibility. Life is black and white, there are no shades of grey or alternatives. /s
Keep licking those boots, bubba.
Nice false dichotomy you got there bucko.
Imperialism is bad no matter the flavor.
Idk .. Andor has a really good message.
Are you aware that countries sharing borders is no excuse to force conscription against the individual's will?