
joined 2 years ago
[–] Crampon 3 points 1 week ago

This post i fuel for the supporters. Its a post with lies getting boosted with upvotes.

If so obvious lies are allowed to surface, then what others are too? Posts like these are just damaging to the cause.

[–] Crampon 9 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Im planning on upgrading my old TV soon. But a new one will not be connected to the internet during its lifetime. All useful services are available on more powerful and more intuitive devices anyway.

AI on TV is hopefully just the new 3d. Gone soon.

[–] Crampon 3 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

Get him onboard! I'll cal him in.

get him onboard. I'll call him in.

[–] Crampon 1 points 1 month ago

Bold claim stating that climate change wouldn't be real if we just worked together. As if we didn't live in an ice age as the same species we are now.

[–] Crampon 1 points 1 month ago

Heard about the Cairo declaration?

Yup. human rights are not universal just because a handful of nations say so.

[–] Crampon 5 points 2 months ago

So the car is overpriced.

Note taken.

[–] Crampon 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)
[–] Crampon -3 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Amazing how Lemmy did a full 180° on this opinion. One week ago the majority was the way to go and everyone else could get fucked. That was when the Democrats had it. Now it doesn't apply anymore.

[–] Crampon 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Perhaps all the bots pushing her campaign got shut down, and the site is now organic again?

There's no way r/all was that interested in her campaign to start with. The past couple of weeks have been super weird. I check the top 10 post on r/all regularly to see if anything special is going on in the world as i can't be bothered doom scrolling news sites.

All that's been on the top is how amazing she is and awful he is. I highly doubt the average user is that invested in the topic.

[–] Crampon 8 points 2 months ago

Literally no true Scotsman fallacy.

[–] Crampon 9 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Two O's in Pooh. So four O's is twice as dangerous to the bear.

submitted 3 months ago by Crampon to c/memes

I'm looking for some new ear buds for running and other purposes, but finding anything suited for a mediocre active lifestyle seems hard.

Now I have a pair of Sennheiser sport true wireless. What works is the audio quality and reliable charging. What doesn't work is the very clunky charging case, and any trace of rain will adjust the volume, change the song or pause the track. A stable 3/5 product. Wearing a hood just amplifies the problem as a tiny amount of moisture will interfere.

I'm not trusting Sennheiser for a new pair right now as their Momentum True Wireless 3 buds had a faulty charging tech. Both me and my partner had to send them in and receive new ones. Bad for us, bad for the environment.

Any recommendations for a pair with a nice balanced sound quality, good case, and reliable controls in all conditions?

how does a tote bag work? (self.nostupidquestions)
submitted 5 months ago by Crampon to c/nostupidquestions

I think om going insane. When you carry it by the handle it's so long that it may scratch the ground, but the handles are too short to cary it properly over your shoulder. What's going on? How are they so popular?


A welcome change in my opinion. Having played through the biome both solo and duo im happy to see spawn rates reduced a bit. The initial landing is fine as a challenge, but after that it gets very tedious and boring after a while.

There's only so many skeletons you want to parry before you're fed up with the play loop. Hopefully this will make engaging the biome a bit more interesting and better paced.


Saw The Zone of interest yesterday.


The list provides seeds, links and a short description of the starter island and it's surroundings. No special order. I just enjoy looking for Island spawns.

1: ys3gYb8k56 Small island in swimming distance to the closest boss.

2: 3wuuiCXwTC Two medium sized islands isolated from the first boss.

3: JFezuBPp0G Very isolated starter island. Medium size. Map has fairly large islands elsewhere.

4: UXL0hU9qKf medium size started island. Pretty hard spawn regarding progress to bosses.

5: S8gqZJnHfK Tiny starter island with swimming distance to closest land. Good north to south axis acorss the map nearby.

6: esrAdQkm5q Medium sized starter island. Requires a fair bit of sailing to progress.

7: PfA9wj3f2v Mediun size started island. Large islands nearby. First three bosses require little movement.

8: 0L4FgEDG4J Tiny starter island with swimming distance to several medium islands. Not optimal for fast boss progression. Good for long exploration sessions.

9: i3CGcgqFv2 Small starter island. Possible to progress without sailing. Fairly hard progression to bosses.

10: 5rOsEmaRy5 Small starter island with the first three bosses not requiring any sailing.

11: EKmNbxiuhK Medium sized starter island requiring sailing to reach the first boss. Possible to reach large portions of the map with little sailing.

12: AnGFH3FwQG Mediun sized starter island only separeted by a river from the nearest land.

13: WtanWD7Eiw Medium sized starter island with swimming distance to the first boss. Bad place if you want your permanent base close to the spawn.

14: I6SSa7afVu Small starter island with hard progression to all bosses after the first one.

15: Z3xHPebym3 Medium sized starter island with possibilities for early iron.

15 island spawns for all island enjoyers. I've searched through 100s of seeds and saved some of the more interesting ones regarding islands.


Kraftig løft for Forsvaret vårt. Nye fartøyer, luftvern, styrking av landforsvaret. Dette blir et kraftig løft i alle domener.


Det første tiltaket er offentliggjort i den nye forsvarssatsningen.


Fantastiske stunt. Gode praktiske effekter. Memorable sett og scener. Ikke for å glemme det fengende tema-sangen.

Filmene respekterer tiden til seerne og de tar ikke seg selv for seriøst.

Det gjelder selvfølgelig kun filmene fra 1969-1984. Alt etter er en ettertanke.

Riktignok er de inspirert av en dansk filmserie, men den norske adopsjonen er av god kvalitet som holder seg godt.

Overbevis meg om noe annet.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by Crampon to c/australia

Years ago I saw some funny clips of an Australian, or maybe New Zealand comedian. He had one episode were he spoke to people trying to shoot a golf ball into a hole on a small platform.

In another sketch he was going undercover spying on some super market to figure out some obscure conspiracy.

I'm not able to find the guy again. Searching on YouTube has become hopeless. Anyone got a clue?

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