Its not a topic in this thread.
So the agreement is shit. But its doesnt matter?
High IQ move to suggest no action is the best action.
This post i fuel for the supporters. Its a post with lies getting boosted with upvotes.
If so obvious lies are allowed to surface, then what others are too? Posts like these are just damaging to the cause.
Im planning on upgrading my old TV soon. But a new one will not be connected to the internet during its lifetime. All useful services are available on more powerful and more intuitive devices anyway.
AI on TV is hopefully just the new 3d. Gone soon.
Get him onboard! I'll cal him in.
Bold claim stating that climate change wouldn't be real if we just worked together. As if we didn't live in an ice age as the same species we are now.
Heard about the Cairo declaration?
Yup. human rights are not universal just because a handful of nations say so.
So the car is overpriced.
Note taken.
Like me?
Amazing how Lemmy did a full 180° on this opinion. One week ago the majority was the way to go and everyone else could get fucked. That was when the Democrats had it. Now it doesn't apply anymore.
As funny as the clips are. The voice got old after 12 seconds.