Tldr: press = cowards
Thank God for Mexico
To be fair they were fine with the genocide that was happening before they picked up the pace
Can't really fault them. Not like it was the safest place to live before he became dictator
Debatable. Unfortunately ppl equate wealth with intelligence. Honoring the rich isn't only an American problem
Currently living outside the US expat is primarily used by anyone not brown regardless of how long they're staying
What is dumber than watching something completely broken fail but choosing to do it anyway?
I have no kids. Dudes just an idiot
Ppl like to gloss over this. I challange you to find a US president who wasn't a war criminal and he was no exception.
Carter’s administration providing aid to Zairian dictator Mobutu to crush southern African liberation movements; financially supporting the Guatemalan military junta, and looking the other way as Israel gave them weapons and training; ignoring calls from human rights activists to withdraw support from the Suharto dictatorship in Indonesia as they carried out genocide in East Timor; refusing to pursue sanctions against South Africa in the United Nations after the South African Defence Forces bombed a refugee camp in Angola, killing 600 refugees; financing and arming mujahideen rebels to destabilize the government of Afghanistan and draw the Soviet Union into invading the country; and providing aid to the military dictatorship in El Salvador, despite a letter from Archbishop Oscar Romero – who was assassinated by a member of a government death squad weeks later – explicitly calling for Carter not to do so.
Life on earth functions on the economy of suffering. Humanity is just REALLY good at it