Anytype is local/offline first, P2P, end to end encrypted, open source, and has a great mobile app. They provide a (storage limited) cloud backup peer for free. You can either self host that yourself, or just rely on P2P syncing with your other devices. I’ve been using it for years and really like it.
Not audio specific but…
Shelly products (smart relays, plugs, sensors, etc.) all work over local network control and I’ve been very happy with them. I have a bunch throughout the house, and they are all denied internet access at the network level.
Also, all HomeKit devices must, by the specification, allow local control. You should be able to use those devices locally using the Home Assistant HomeKit Device integration without having any Apple devices. My Ecobee thermostats work great through this integration even though they are also denied internet access.
Good luck, and have fun nerding out on your new home!
You only pay if you want to use > 1GB of their cloud storage, which you wouldn’t if you self-hosted it or relied entirely on P2P syncing.
Anytype: Free, open source, offline first, P2P sync, end to end encrypted.
As you should expect, the truth is actually between the extremes of “facist trope that is completely false” and “all immigrants are evil.” A person in Ohio recently killed and ate a cat, but was not an immigrant.
For anyone who doesn’t want to click the link, it contains bodycam video of a police officer in Ohio recently arresting a US citizen with blood all over her, fur in her teeth, a dead cat nearby, and multiple eye witnesses saying she killed and ate the cat.
For Resilio Sync mobile it is both on-the-fly and a configuration. You can mark individual files and folders as ones that always needs to be synced at all times and available for offline use. For files that are not synced already, simply tapping them will download it. I’m not sure how it behaves on Desktop since I don’t have the Pro version with selective sync.
Synology Drive is pretty much the same as far as being able to mark things for offline use, but the OS integration is nice because all un-synced files and folders still appear in the filesystem, and opening any files will magically sync them if needed.
I would hope Resilio Sync Pro desktop has the same OS-level integration, but I couldn’t say for sure.
Update: For both systems, selecting which content is always synced is a per-device configuration. For example, If you want different files always available on your phone vs your tablet, you just mark those files however you wish using the app on each device.
Synology Drive has all the features you want and with desktop (macOS, windows, Ubuntu) and mobile clients (iOS and Android). The potential downside is that you have to buy a Synology NAS to run it. I’ve had one for a number of years and I’m still very happy with it.
I also really like Resilio Sync. The downside there is that while the mobile client supports selective sync (you choose which files and folders to always have on-device) only the paid “pro” version of the desktop client supports it.
One body per sketch was always a deal breaker for me, so it’s good to hear that limitation is gone.
Do you know if sketches are still required to represent a single continuous face? For example, 3 concentric circles would not be allowed because it is ambiguous which parts are “surface” and which are “holes”. F360 doesn’t impose this limitation because it allows you to select individual sketch faces to move into 3D space, whereas FreeCAD considers that a single operation on the entire sketch.
Hmmm… that page doesn’t mention the free “personal use” license for hobbyists.
^ This page still exists, and doesn’t mention it is going away, so maybe there is still hope.
To me this automation seems much better suited to using the Node-RED addon. There is a built in “delay” node that can be used for rate limiting. You would set the delay node to once per hour and put it between the node watching your motion sensor, and the node flipping the light switch. Easy stuff. You could do the same with one or two more nodes to get and check the current wind speed and put that inline as well.
Keep in mind though, any kind of rate limiting/cool down makes it more likely that the lights won’t turn on when you actually want them to. For example, if you leave the house and come back after the lights have turned off, but before the cool down period expires you won’t have lights.
tl;dr It was a bug. It is fixed in 17.1.
I think the answer largely depends on the devices you use. Many devices require an internet connection to integrate with HA. Fortunately, each HA integration should list whether or not they can work locally.
Here are some device suggestions:
Just as an example, I have Ecobee thermostats that are HomeKit compatible. Ecobee provides a cloud service, but I don’t use it at all, and my thermostats are denied internet access at the network level. They still work great through the HomeKit Devices integration.
Good luck!