You don't pay me for what I do, you pay me for what I know...
Black cat you say ...
Amazing. That's my lunch sorted tomorrow
My migration to Linux Mint coincided with getting a Brother Laser printer (DCP-L3520CDW) and I've had zero issues with text, photos or scanning. I just fired up the Brother and Mint said "oh, you've got a printer, wanna use it?"
Does it specify if different cheese gives you a different level of immunity? Like a soft cheese triangle would be good for a splinter in your pinky but for an assault rifle you may need a slab of Stilton...
Cos he's a Scramblin' Maaan...
A: The sun isn’t in space it’s its own self contained atmosphere,
So would you say it's somehow been towed outside an environment into it's own environment...?
Two thirds of a pint please, so that's two thirds of the cost of a pint yeah? So cheaper right? Right???
Hey, if you're anywhere in the area, I've got fine collection of IKEA allen keys a
Fightin' the good fight