Gibts dafuer standardisierte Omas, oder wird immer die gleiche Oma verwendet, um das zu messen?
I'm dreading their outcome...
Ah sorry this is "conservative". Do what you want, I'll try not to comment any more. Like with those .ml tankies.
The paper this is from is verging to the extreme right. He grabbed her ass (which is not ok) and she stuck a knife in his heart (which is not ok) killing him. You're the one to judge. Or not. Or leave it to the judges.
Hier hats prima mit Selbstkontrolle am Handy funktioniert, bis die Schule dem Kind inner 6. Klasse n iPad ohne jegliche Beschraenkungen oder Erlaeuterungen in die Hand gedrueckt hat. Verantworlich sind natuerlich die Eltern.
Edit: typo
Ich bin nur Nutzer, aber "Ahhhhhhh" fast es aus meiner Sicht vollkommen korrekt zusammen.
So before the war, this "money" was spent to solve America's social problems, right? (/s)
TIL, ty
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Archery target?
You might assume that was just a trigger, first thing that came to their mind, as they said.