As someone who belongs to several wine clubs, and plays recreational softball, I can confim.
Can someone much smarter than I am, explain like I'm a toddler?
The late 1990s early '00s summed up in one picture, for you young bucks.
How else will they fill for profit prisons if they don't deny benefits to children that are unwanted and unloved?
In other news, water is wet. More ground breaking news at 11
Need a few more pics to make an accurate assessment.
I mean, Lock proved last week he can also be a QB that shows up when it matters most too.
Passport was an amazing device I still wish I had mine, I really didn't care there weren't many apps, to me the form and function made up for the lack of apps. Hopefully Punkt will bring to market the MC01 Legend and we'll have the option of a Passport 2.0 if you will.
Toss another shrimp on the barbeque
Of course they did.....