
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Channel width is a router setting so it affects everyone who connects to that router. With 40 MHz channel width the maximum connection speed of 5 GHz network is between 150 and 300 Mbps, depending on which Wi-Fi version the router and devices support. If your internet connection happens to be 100 Mbps, it wouldn’t benefit having a faster Wi-Fi connection. Except that the connection quality affects the connection speed, so that 150 Mbps might be less than 100 Mbps if the device is far from the router or the connection is bad for some other reason. The connection speed is important only when downloading or uploading big files. For typical web browsing, video streaming and gaming the connection speed of few tens of Mbps is sufficient. DNS resolving speed for web browsing and ping for gaming are much more important than connection speed.

There’s probably no need to set the 5 GHz channel width to lower than 40 MHz unless the 5 GHz band is really crowded around you. 2.4 GHz should ~~almost~~ always be set to 20 MHz if there are other Wi-Fi networks.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Stupid Differently. Apple’s new slogan.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 2 weeks ago

Many plants have anti-nutrients, compounds that inhibit absorption of nutrients. Both coffee and tea inhibit absorption of some minerals, such as iron.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

NetSpot and InSSIDer are often recommended. I also noticed that Apple’s AirPort Utility (iOS) can show channels and signal strength of nearby networks. You need to turn on a setting in the Settings app to enable that feature. But it doesn’t have a clear UI that would help you to figure out the best channels.

Wi-Fi extenders are usually worthless. If you want to extend your network you should use mesh network.

Another thing that helps with interference is lowering the channel width. Using wider channels gives better throughput but there will be more interference. If you don’t transfer much data between your devices wirelessly and you don’t have some crazy fast internet connection, setting the channel width to the lowest for both bands is the safest option.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 weeks ago

Missing lids on the cassette decks gives it away that the device might no longer be fully functional, but thanks for confirming it.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (4 children)

Another good network troubleshooting step is to simply restart the router by unplugging the power cable for 30 or so seconds. It can fix many network related issues with little to no effort and is good practice for security reasons as well. (Restarting the router will effectively close any malware running in router and as long as the router doesn’t start them again after restart, you’ll be safe until your router is again compromised.)

Have you recently moved the router to new location or moved objects around the router? Check the router’s environment for any metal objects. They can cause significant interference. And then there are dead spots. Regardless where inside a building you place Wi-Fi access point, somewhere within its range there is most likely at least one spot where the signal cancels itself.

If the router’s location or “gaming location” has not changed, the reason most likely is that the channel used by the router has become congested. For both 2.4GHz and 5GHz there are recommended channels one should use, and you should choose the one that is least used around you. ~~There are no tools for iOS devices that can help with that~~ because Apple has locked down the required functionality, so use either computer or Android. EDIT: Apple’s AirPort Utility has this functionality after you enable it in Settings app.

5GHz is better for gaming due to better latency. But if you can’t play close enough to the router, 2.4GHz might provide more stable connection.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 3 weeks ago

That thing is about 70 meters long and weights 300 tons and some.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

Right hand for right-handed threads and left hand for left-handed. If unsure, it’s most likely right-handed.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Tea Adventures has a long list of online stores that sell tea and teaware. There’s a search field that can be used to filter the list. For example, a search for “teaw states” gives a list of stores in The United States that sells teaware.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 weeks ago

STUKin tarkastajat oli paikan päällä ihmettelemässä tilannetta.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Battery water is quite readily available everywhere and it’s cheap.


Olkiluoto 3:n vuosihuolto päättyy päivitetyn aikataulun mukaan 28.4.

Syynä kahdeksan päivän lisäaikaan ovat vuosihuollon aikana löytyneet uudet viat ja tarkastuslaitteiden tekniset ongelmat.

Saa nähdä saako ne tuon käyntiin OL2:n huoltoon mennessä. Tämän hetkisen tiedon mukaan OL2:n huolto alkaa samana päivänä kuin OL3:n huollon pitäisi loppua.


Olkiluoto 3 -laitosyksikkö (OL3) irrotetaan sähköntuotannosta lauantaina 2. maaliskuuta huoltoseisokkia varten. Sen arvioidaan kestävän noin 37 vuorokautta.

Yhteensä erilaisia töitä on OL3:n huoltoon suunniteltu noin 1 900 pitäen sisällään noin 6 500 työvaihetta. Vertailun vuoksi esimerkiksi OL2:n vuosihuolto pitää sisällään noin 550 työtä, joissa on yhteensä 1200 työvaihetta.

OL3:n osalta vuosihuollon merkittävimmät työt ovat polttoaineen vaihdon lisäksi suojausjärjestelmän ennakkohuoltotyöt, automaatiojärjestelmiin tehtävät ohjelmistopäivitykset, suojarakennuksen eristysventtiilien tiiveyskokeet sekä paineistimen varoventtiilien huollot.

Olkiluoto 2:n (OL2) polttoaineenvaihtoseisokki alkaa 28. huhtikuuta ja kestää noin 11 vuorokautta. Viimeisenä laitosyksiköistä vuorossa on Olkiluoto 1 (OL1), jonka huoltoseisokki alkaa 12. toukokuuta ja kestää noin 16 vuorokautta. Kaikkien vuosihuoltojen pitäisi olla valmiita 28. toukokuuta.


Amazon updated the browser in Kindle e-readers with software version 5.16.4 last November. Check the Kindle E-Reader Software Updates page to see if your device has that version available.

Previously, the browser was almost useless, because it didn't support many of the features websites use nowadays. The new update significantly improves the browser, and it actually manages to display most pages correctly. Unfortunately, Kindles' hardware is quite lacking. Paperwhite 11th gen is so slow that while webpages work correctly, many of them are unusable because of the poor performance.

Has anyone tried the new version of the web browser yet? Have you found any websites that you like using on your Kindle? I tried Lemmy, but of course that's one of the websites that doesn't work. There are no errors, it just doesn't show any posts.


There's a Kindle Rewards bonus offer going on currently.

Spend $20 on Kindle books between July 28 and Aug 1 and earn 400 bonus points. Activation required.

Those $20 you need to spend to get the bonus points gives you another 60 points, so this event nets you at least 460 points. That's enough to redeem $3 credits and you are left with 160 points out of 300 needed for another $3 credits. Just remember that points expires in 3 months and you only get 3 points for every dollar you spend on Kindle books.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/kindle

Kindle Rewards beta

For those who don't know yet, Kindle Rewards is a rewards program on that rewards you for buying books. It's for both US and international customers, but you can only get into the beta if Amazon chooses you. It was launched last year.

Initially you got 5 points for every dollar you spent on Kindle e-books and 2 points for every dollar spent on print books. The points expired in 6 months. You need 300 points to redeem $3 worth of credits you can use when purchasing Kindle e-books. Credits expires in 1 month.

Changes to Kindle Rewards on June 1, 2023

After June 1, you now get only 3 points for every dollar spent on Kindle e-books and 1 point for every dollar spent on print books. On top of that those points now expires in 3 months (points earned before June 1 still expires in 6 months). So, you still need 300 points for the credits, but you need to spend more to get enough points. And you only have 3 months to earn those points before they start expiring.

What do you think about the program? Have you participated in it, or ignored it? What about these new changes?

I have only participated on those spend-X-dollars-get-Y-points events (for example, spend $10 get 300 points). I maintain a wish list of books that I'm interested of. When one of those events comes along, I look through the list and buy the minimum amount required by the event. Preferably books that are on sale. That gives me plenty of books for little money, and free credits for next purchase.

After these changes, I think the points you get from buying books outside of events are meaningless. You earn so little, and have so little time to earn enough, that those points will just end up expiring. I think the rewards program gives little to no benefit for customers, except during those spend-X-dollars-get-Y-points events. Even then, only if the event gives you those 300 points required for the credits.

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