katar is such a cool weapon. The first time i saw it was in ragnarok online. then in the berserk manga, after that it dawned to me that its an actual weapon not some medieval fantasy invention.
classic case of young people trying to fit in, but to put an ama of it speaks volumes why they dont have much friends.
do you have any info about what year when they're in their 60s? i read similar research and concluded that its because it was the 90s
isnt any fence in zombo apocalypse depend on how high they can stack at each other?
a group of dozens zeke can easily overcome 3 meters fence
i think he mean how korean males are at a disadvantage because mandatory military service. singapore has something similar but the rift is not as extreme as korea. korean males really despise feminism movement both because of that and cultural hierarchy. moon channel discussed this topic in length if youre interested
I really want to ukraine to win and retake all of its territory back but some of its points do make sense in a way, russia is turning to wartime economy, backed by china starting to plug flaws that we laugh at them year ago.
they news that russia able to strike ukraine infrastructure that ukraine has thwarted a while back means theyre facing critical shortage of anti missile and uav arms.
ukraine also facing manpower problems, zelensky lowered the drafting age requirement but i doubt its still enough, the likelihood of concession in ukraine favor is unlikely in current time but i hope with lifting of target bans from newly supplied arms from the west could tip that in the future
i've wondered about immortality for a while. it boils down to why would i want to be immortal and for me i just want to see and experience things. it also means that i'll experience a century living lavishly and surrounded by the perfect people i ever hoped to be with and another century where i'll be broke, alone and living in 10 sqm apartment. at this point then isnt i'm just a living library of babel of human experiences? then what kind of person i am then? a wise old sage or succumb to become a maniac? how many personalities, morals and ideology would come and pass. and how many of 'me' that lived and died? would that person still be me? would that person consciousness be the same as me right now? the more i think about immortality the more i think its just the same as death, just a different kind.
im conflicted about starlink. at the other hand it brings the internet to the widely inaccessible part of the globe and internet access is on track to be a basic human right. on the other hand as an aspiring astrophotographer and an enthusiast of space science it suuuuucks.
i dont know where you live but these can go below $500 and have 50km range. these things are huge in south east asia so if you can reasonably import them then i highly suggest research them and consider them. these e bikes also have in bike configuration called cyrusher in western i think but its way more pricier. if you can, try getting them from asian vendors because its way way more cheaper
this just makes the survivors think its better to die while trying to avenge their fallen than die helplessly. there's no out for israel other than wiping out the palestinians and houthis next. i dont know much about middle eastern geo politic but john mearsheimer gave a chilling insight. i hope he's wrong, i hate this timeline
the chinese has successfully produces semi solid battery and it has insane range and quick charge, still not as fast as gasoline but with robust electric charging infrastructure you may not need charging station. the tech is so close rn