You aren't kidding. My city was really slow on the Internet so i was using aol. Asking for certs and using CC generators. It was good times actually.
Then I tried IRC and kept getting kicked from every channel and someone finally gave a reason before before kicking me. When i messaged them explaining how i have no other way to access the internet they were actually really cool and invited me back to the channel. I didn't go back as I knew i carried an unacceptable tag.
A year or 2 later we finally got a provider and oh wow now i remember trumpet windsock and the chaos of trying to find anything.
I still remember seeing a Toyota commercial with a web address and being like wow this internet thing is really taking off!
Now we've come full circle and i have to argue with my parents about the "truth" on Facebook. It's got its perks but terminals and desqview times make me miss the simplicity.. or complication. Depends how you look at it .
As an introvert i hate it. It's always loud and temperamental and really if anything i should get a discount for using it.
Once did a late night Walmart run for a bunch of random stuff. Only to come up to no cashiers. Luckily the sweet girl at the self check out saw my panic and used a bar code scanner to get me on my way
When it just scans tags as i push my cart through I'll consider self checkout. Otherwise it just feels like I'm working for free.