It was missing many points of interest, restaurants, locations, etc, even though the roads were accounted for. Definitely not ready for prime time until more spots get added. I don't need the reviews and photos. Just up the database of locations.
Tried it. Still a ways to go.
Xibit getting restless...
Because it's not even the same guy?
Come to Asia. Dozens of modern kid friendly variants.
Is it 'international' law, or international 'law' these days?
Maybe investments based on five minutes of fame aren't a great idea. Just sayin. For that we have onlyfans.
Kinda looks like Jake gylenhall from this angle.
Dem voters need to educate themselves and take ownership of their votes and the results, educate themselves about the choices of candidate, and also the consequences of not voting. So easy to stick to principle, point fingers and blame party, old dude, but gaza, sit outs, differentiation from the old dude, no good choices etc. From the 'take charge' angle, the repubs seem to be more reliable and committed to their cause. The Dems are simply not, and here they are now, basking in the results. Principle feels good but doesn't exactly put food on the table, or keep an idiot out of office, it seems. Might as well masturbate your species into extinction.
Sigh. Bring on the forced use of AI...
I'd be ok to sleep just for the next 4 years.
Charging port in center of middle button. Instructions failed successfully.