Wonder what the Google reviews of this branch look like, riiight about now...
joined 11 months ago
Was just gonna say..... I've seen this plotline before...
He fucked it up, didn't he? All of it.
'...and even if you do bow to my dementia, well, I'll let you die anyways'.
He 'works' like he 'runs'.
Actually, sorry. He runs just fine, ask his adult diaper.
That's almost a ghoulish shade of pasty white on his hands there....
It's the sacred responsibility of every dad
Yeah. Can't wait for the next arc.
Putin paying reeellll close attention now...
You can't buy popularity, Elon. Ask your buddy Donald
Stupid rich people trying to take advantage of 'stupid' poor people.
Not a racist, but it looks like there's some brown on his nose.