Those fries are gonna have bronzer all over em
Progressive Politics
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Knowing trump, any of the scenes close to work involved a stunt double.
Where's the hair net and gloves?
He'd be fired on day 1 for not being able to follow simple directions.
It's just a photo op, as long as his base believes he is fine.
BTW: what ever happened to photo op of feeding the homeless? Are we finally acknowledging that fast food worker rate is still powerty?
That's almost a ghoulish shade of pasty white on his hands there....
and a day later, McD's has a huge E-Coli outbreak.
everything he touches turns to shit, and most diarrheagenic E. coli strains spread through fecal-oral transmission. geeze donny what the fuck did you do this time
Rolls up window
The man whose Manhattan home looks like a gold-gilded trashy brothel, does a photo op in a McDonalds to entice you to elect him as an incompetent President again. I specifically don't do drugs so shit like this does not happen. FUCK!
This will 100% be the photo meme when Harris wins.
Someone grab his stupid fucking tie and show him why people shouldn't wear ties in drive thru encounters.
Bang his head on the side door!
I'll never eat at McDonald's again.
Where were all those scrotes that were chucking soft drinks back at minimum wage workers in drive thrus?
The one time it would have been justified and he walks away clean.
Everyone in the entire vicinity of that McDonald’s was screened by secret service. The whole thing is just a faked desperate photo op