
joined 1 year ago
[–] Chorby_Short 5 points 2 months ago

The only thing that I know of that was changed with disarming logic is that it now fails to teleport a weapon if it can't find a path to a tile in range, as might happen i.e. in the locked room beneath a broken floor room. It used to instead teleport the weapon to a random point of the level, but I pointed out that this could be used to lose the pickaxe in the mine as the result of a reclaimed trap spell. Evan had already prevented other ways to lose the pickaxe (i.e. dropping, transmuting) on that floor because you can't leave the floor without it in your inventory, so he opted to prevent this case from arising by reworking trap slightly.

Not sure if this is related to that or not though.

[–] Chorby_Short 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

How will these talents work with Metamorphosis? They're very hero specific.

[–] Chorby_Short 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

When you say not curses, do you mean that you can't spell cursed equipment or that the spell stacks with the curse? The latter could potentially be strategically interesting, but might not be balanced considering Curse Infusion is a thing.

[–] Chorby_Short 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Just wondering what this illumination would be like. Is it sort of like mind vision? One grievance I've had for a while is that mobs that have mind vision from talents don't actually have a visible mind vision debuff from those talents, so you can't very well track the effect as a player, which seems a bit odd to me.

[–] Chorby_Short 3 points 4 months ago

My main mistake here was during a blast wave wand when I shouldn't have, because I forgot about knockback paralysis (usually it's not a big deal, but here it ran me into 3-4 other paralyzing attacks).

That being said, the Rock density is a pretty frequent issue because there are twice as many attacks as normal. There have been times when the Sappers and Geomancer have attacked at the same time, so there literally is no safe square to move to even in completely open space. More commonly, they will attack within a turn or two of each other, before you get to clear your surroundings. This is the fundamental challenge with this fight.

[–] Chorby_Short 3 points 4 months ago (2 children)
[–] Chorby_Short 1 points 4 months ago

But with a sapper also appearing every stage, that frequency doubles and that can be a real problem.

[–] Chorby_Short 1 points 4 months ago (2 children)

I mean, I know they are choreographed; that's not the issue. The question here is specifically about not killing the Sappers ahead of time so you can get the 'complete' fight, so to speak. When you have rockslides on consecutive turns or even two on the same turn, it's nigh impossible to avoid getting hit (sometimes literally).


It always feels disproportionately difficult, particularly compared to the Yog fight. If you don't kill the spawners, you will have a harder fight, but you won't get combo'd to death in a few turns from bad luck. I was at ~40 hp before my last move.

[–] Chorby_Short 2 points 5 months ago

I feel the obvious strategy is to try and find a ring of elements and get it pretty high leveled.

[–] Chorby_Short 2 points 5 months ago (1 children)

A few notes. First, a shuriken is a thrown weapon (sometimes called missile weapons), not a melee weapon.

Secondly, I have two runs on record where I used only only tier 1 gear, with additional stipulations. The first was a warden run where I finished with strength 6, having used no strength potions and equipped two cursed might rings, on in the caves and one in the halls. For that run, I ended with +10 armor to avoid encumbrance, but both my +3 gloves and my +5 bow were too heavy, though I used then anyways.

The second run was a completely potionless/scrolless rogue run. I ended with the same gear I started with, and didn't end up with any additional rings or artifacts either because I couldn't confirm any were uncursed. Now, I have done potionless/scrolless with three classes total, but in the other cases I either had a lucky armor drop (leather +3 for Warden), or I found a great shield (for mage; I couldn't attack with it, but melee combat wasn't a good idea anyways so that wasn't really an issue), so that rogue run was the only one of those that was all T1.

[–] Chorby_Short 2 points 6 months ago

I do think that highlighting the current floor would be a nice UI tweak though.

[–] Chorby_Short 11 points 6 months ago (3 children)

Just wondering, are there a few variations for each region? Randomly picking from say, 3 or so different loading screens seems like it would be in line with some of the other variety features, such as the three-part music tracks or the three sad ghost dialogue lines per region.

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