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[–] ChocoboRocket 33 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Honestly, blame the media for this one.

They talked about project 2025 for maybe 10 days and spent the rest of the time ignoring the absolute fact that concrete steps are being taken across the board to end democracy and impose a Christian theocracy as fast as possible.

There was no concentrated effort to warn Americans of the very real threat Trump is, and what absolutely will happen if he won the election.

All the public saw was a witch hunt against Trump that went nowhere as he promised to be a dictator and change the fundamental structure of the United stated to further billionaire interests, and the actual reality of this was never explicitly stated.

News media is responsible for educating the population, with standards on the quality and accuracy of the information, but neither side will ever do any such thing.

Both political parties and every news medium are completely corporately owned and will never platform something that threatens their control.

[–] ChocoboRocket 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I wonder if this is why fox news et all were flagrantly lying about roving immigrant gangs occupying towns (that never existed)

That happens in a lot of immigrants home countries, so immigrants voting to stop it from coming to America makes sense - its why they uprooted their lives and migrated to America in the first place.

I'm just as disappointed as anyone else in the outcome/demographic split etc - but it's almost hard to blame people when every "legitimate" news source can pitch a coordinated fantasy and make it real.

You're supposed to be able to trust news sources - but when multiple news sources coordinate to make up stories and narratives that aren't true, and there's zero consequences for lying or promoting disinformation, people will never be able to make an informed opinion again.

Just like the lack of consequences for Trump let people believe he's the target of a witch hunt. People want to believe the accountability applied to them is also applied to major institutions like news, police, and government, but can't seem to understand it only exists for the poor.

[–] ChocoboRocket 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The democratic party never did and never will stand a chance so long as Media is allowed to report on pure fantasy.

A significant portion of the country is living in fear of a reality that doesn't actually exist.

There is no penalty for intentionally lying and turning people against each other or against objective, provably correct facts.

At this point Republicans are either right about everything and America will become some capitalist paradise where everyone is Christian, white, and rich, because there's no reason to withold prosperity from the "in" group, and the Republican aim is to eliminate the "out" group.

Or, everyone who isn't a seriously wealthy businesses owning white Christian man is gonna realize they just gave the keys to the kingdom to the absolute worst people on earth who will make everything they possibly can significantly worse for 95% of Americans across the board by doing absolutely everything they said they would do.

Wonder how long it will take Republican voters to figure out who the real problems are.

[–] ChocoboRocket 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

"Canadian" mining companies - any country on earth can have a licensed business in Canada for the change you find in your couch. Seems to be especially popular for mining companies.

This one actually used to be a full on Canadian mining company (INCO) before it got bought out by a Brazilian company called Vale limited.

There's plenty of tax havens already, so Canada went all in on shell corporations for money laundering (especially real estate) and using Canadas positive global image to hide the true owners of a business.

[–] ChocoboRocket 6 points 2 months ago (3 children)

But doesn't Trump hate China?

Obviously he's extremely succeptable to bribery/flattery etc so he could easily "art of the deal" Taiwan off to China.

Personally I feel like he's definitely having a vindictive king renaissance so I'm expecting a lot of inflexible decisions made entirely on impulse - because that's exactly what the people want.

Don't know if I see him going to war with China as getting bribed is better than fighting and potentially losing. Plus, fighting implies you don't have enough power/influence to win without fighting and Trump is all about projecting power.

If he does want war, I wouldn't be surprised to see an American foreign legion formed out of the 20 million immigrants he wants to deport

[–] ChocoboRocket 5 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Hate to break it to ya, but believing things that are easily, verifiably, false because you prefer the narrative is very "IN" right now.

We left confirmation bias in the rear view mirror and are now actively embracing reality speculation where anything can be true/false if more than one person/bot agrees with it.

[–] ChocoboRocket 31 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Women are easy, natural, targets for Conservatives.

Beyond that? Disability, Left handedness, a grandfather who did yoga once, someone wasn't enthusiastic enough during the 2 minutes hate, they'll never run out of outsiders to invent and demonize!

[–] ChocoboRocket 8 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Isn't the "legal justification" they used not including 'Federal officers' on their list of 'category of persons' allowed to be present during voting?

So they intentionally passed an (illegal) law that forbids the DOJ from overseeing the election process because oopsey daisy we totally didn't mean to write a law that breaks the law!

But if you could honor our intentionally broken law while we're committing the specific crimes you are here to prevent, that'd be super lawful of you.

[–] ChocoboRocket 11 points 2 months ago

Laughs in heritage foundation

[–] ChocoboRocket 138 points 2 months ago (1 children)

"All white ppl look the same!"

-NK, probably

[–] ChocoboRocket 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

A good chunk of Trump's cancer is caused by terrible left wing policy.

I hate Trump and everything about the far right, but I can understand people falling in love with the idea of a strongman who will cut through bullshit and do what people want.

The left is supposed to mitigate income inequality, and make life good for their citizens.

Both left/right idealogies are entirely owned by corporate interests across the globe - this is the crux of the entire issue.

The problems facing the middle class are entirely artificial and intentional. There are a myriad of reasons, but the end result is that we have one societies/laws/reality for the wealthy, and a completely different set of rules for the population.

The left promises to solve everything with equality and the right promises to resolve everything with hierarchy.

Neither idealogy has any intention of doing anything but funnel as much money/power to big business until their political careers are done.

The obvious difference is the "Right" idealogies are objectively bad for everyone but the ultra wealthy. Unfortunately being ultra wealthy gives you the ability to own national anti-reality propaganda networks.

[–] ChocoboRocket 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

Still a tough line to toe.

South Korea can undoubtedly roll North Korea. But North Korea + China + Ruzzia is much harder to contend with.

NK is benefitting from actively trading with first world economies in a meaningful way and will likely be heavily updating their military and spycraft capabilities.

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