Cylons from BSG
He's revealing his thoughts on the next James Bond actor.
It's funny how the 4chan wojak maymay have gained normie acceptance. As we say; kek.
Klingons were never honobru. They fight like cowards, hiding behing cloaking devices. They backstab each other more than Romulans too. Worf was an anomaly. Essentially, Worf is a Klingon weeb who read about Klingon bushido ideals and propaganda and thought it was true.
Michael Bolton? What a no-talented assclown.
All defence systems can be saturated. Drones allow unprecedented swarm attacks that the old maxim "the bombers will always come through" have become relevant again.
Linus Short Sebastian is an asshole. I like his channel and even bought a water bottle, but he is an asshole nontheless. His opinions are always 5 years outdated. He used to hate reddit but now liked Reddit. Probably a contrarian too.
Or could it be that people with mental illness are frequently loners or ostracized, so they seek the company of a pet cat? Until they have a physiological evidence of the mechanism, I choose [Doubt].
A century ago, workers in the wool industry rioted against the spinning jenny. In the end, they were defeated. So it will be for the writers et al. The wheel turns. Ride it or get run over.
Isn't Paramount going bankrupt?