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[–] CharlesDarwin 3 points 4 hours ago

Yeah, I saw the "Democrat Party" thing - which, by the way, wayyyyy too many in the "liberal media" let them get away with. They should be correcting them all the time, or asking them if they don't even know the name of the party.

I also caught the full use of Obama's name - another dog whistle for this bunch.

[–] CharlesDarwin -1 points 4 hours ago

Democrat Party

There is no such thing.

[–] CharlesDarwin 5 points 20 hours ago

Watching that crowd hooting and hollering for coal country. Everyone in my extended family that was involved in coal mining did nearly everything possible to get their offspring the fuck OUT of that line of work. Hearing these magabrains hoot and holler for that...WTAF.

[–] CharlesDarwin 3 points 20 hours ago* (last edited 20 hours ago)

Hey well at least he didn't fuck that couch. Well, allegedly he didn't.

[–] CharlesDarwin 8 points 21 hours ago

Holy shit, these qons are just so morally bankrupt. Are these the same Republicans that bowed to donnie's wishes on the bipartisan bill for immigration?

They can go pound it sideways.

[–] CharlesDarwin 2 points 23 hours ago

They all know their party is chock full of racists. This is why they get so damned angry and try to tone-police normal Americans when normal Americans call them out for their racism, sexism, and being Nazis. I just saw Bill O'Lielly try this garbage - where calling racists (them) racists is somehow related to a Republican trying to shoot their orange fuhrer. He actually did this.

[–] CharlesDarwin 2 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

LOL, Tulsi?

Yeah, no wonder you are getting downvoted.

[–] CharlesDarwin 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Don't forget the part where they blame everyone else for "making" them do it, too.

[–] CharlesDarwin 8 points 1 day ago

This is why they now openly embrace un-democratic and un-American views about how to run a government. If they seize power, they will do everything possible to have minority rule (theirs) encoded into the system they use to replace the American one.

[–] CharlesDarwin 5 points 1 day ago (2 children)

What they need is to give the typical con and, lol, "independents", a permission structure to continue to vote for Republicans. Everyone knows they are racists, but it's nudge, nudge, wink, wink.

[–] CharlesDarwin 31 points 1 day ago

LOL, they know their own, don't they?


[–] CharlesDarwin 1 points 1 day ago

I thought the plan might be to make a bit of a spectacle of an open primary, depriving the convicted felon of the attention he so craves.

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