
joined 2 years ago
[–] CharlesDarwin 22 points 5 hours ago

If you don't want Medicaid cuts, you should not vote for any Republican, ever.

[–] CharlesDarwin 2 points 5 hours ago

I watch a lot of horror, but one of the legendary movies I've never tracked down is Men Behind the Sun due to its reputation as being quite a slog. That kind of subgenre is not really my thing; I've not watched Ilsa, either. But when you learn that vivisection was involved and that is something that actually happened, it's quite eye-opening.

Also, when you learn of actual cannibalism - watch this until the end for the mind-blowing twist:

[–] CharlesDarwin -1 points 6 hours ago

Eh, I dunno. I think the complaints about age and term limits should be cast aside. It's red herring when it comes to the real problems we have. There is nothing inherently magical about age.

Right now, I'm watching the likes of Big Balls being given the keys to the kingdom, and even though they are 19, I see zero evidence they could give a rat's ass about how anything works, even if they might have been considered good at one small aspect of tech. Even if they were a child prodigy at one sliver of time's tech, it doesn't mean they know shit about government, or even other aspects of tech if for instance that tech involves something like Cobol.

I also don't think being good with computers or tech has much to do with being good at governance, and that's coming from a life-long techie. I mean I would just love and delight in a world in which tech skills magically extrapolated to being good at everything else, but I just don't think it works like that.

So even assuming a role like Big Balls and doge were something American voters actually wanted and was legal, I could care less if someone knows tech or not, if their motivations are warped and they have acquired zero wisdom and their platform doesn't align with actual progress for the American people - they could be demons there just to dismantle government and too young to know the difference.

[–] CharlesDarwin -1 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

Like I said, I think far too much time is spent on things that are really side-issues and red herring such as term limits and age.

You could have someone in their 20s (or whatever the minimum age is for a given position) come in there, still do insider trading, still do everything for the sake of the owner-donor class and then go through that revolving door into a cozy job within the corporate world as a reward for doing everything they were told in their single term and it would still be a huge problem.

Howling about someone's age or how many terms they have served seem to just be a distraction from the real problems. To me, anyway.

[–] CharlesDarwin 0 points 14 hours ago

Meh, I know I'm in the minority here, but I'd rather it was based on merit and policy positions.

I DGAF about someone's age as long as they are still fit and they have the right policies. Assuming someone like AOC stays in until she's 84 and shows no sign of moving to the right and no sign of slowing down?

Going forward, I think we will very likely have even OLDER politicos than we do now, assuming breakthroughs on slowing down aging, even age reversal. Of course, that assumes that Bronzo the Clown and fElon and Brainwormz don't completely break our system of innovation and healthcare. But if it doesn't happen here, it will happen in other I don't think the ageism we see right now will itself age all that well...

[–] CharlesDarwin -2 points 14 hours ago (5 children)

Meh, it's not the age thing for me. And I don't care if someone works until they choose to retire, as long as the people want them. I think ageism and the appeal to some magical term limits thing is rather useless.

I hate just how disconnected her comment was about the insider trading. It's infuriating. Republicans do it, too, but she somehow became the face of this.

I don't know that her or others like her are doing anything to bring up the next set of leaders, though. I also don't really see her fighting for progress. The age thing, the number of terms - entirely secondary and honestly, it's just red herring in my view. All one has to do is look at Bernie.

[–] CharlesDarwin 1 points 14 hours ago

Honestly, there are just a lot of very low-info people. A lot of people really do think Republicans "do 'conomy gud", too, despite all the evidence that runs counter to that claim.

[–] CharlesDarwin 3 points 14 hours ago

LOL, you don't say.

[–] CharlesDarwin 2 points 17 hours ago

I think a lot of them are cowards are likely to just mess with the car and/or the property it's on.

[–] CharlesDarwin 2 points 17 hours ago

Yes. I like what I think is Bernie's idea. The sentiment is basically do everything possible to tax all income and assets over one billion. Tell those crying for billionaires to shut up because surely people can live on assets of $999,999,999.00.

Maybe readjust for inflation every decade or so. Even if it got negotiated down to something like a cap of 5 billion or 10 billion, this would still be good for America. Someone with assets like Elon, and Bezos and Zuck, etc. should not even exist, even if most of those assets are supposedly "only" on paper. Surely, though, being someone with just under a billion or just under 5 or just under 10 should provide enough "motivation" for all the future supposed "job-creators" that we always hear so much about.

Surely, having 999 million is better than whatever they started with and we should all acknowledge they didn't make all that themselves. They have a huge working government (or they did at one point, we'll see what we are left with after Bronzo the Clown is done) that helped them, along with many, many workers making that money. They should show GRATITUDE for that by helping to further sustain that system, not just leech from it and be able to buy politicians that actively work to make it worse for those not in the billionaire class.

[–] CharlesDarwin 2 points 17 hours ago

Even at this point, I doubt it. Many might be people that bought in before they knew who and what Musk is and are just riding it out. I'm not sure what the used market is like for Tesla right now, but even with normal depreciation, selling a used car and trying to find a comparable replacement may set you back.

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