Fear. It's that simple. An authoritarian mindset is one predicated on fear. After 9/11, Dick Cheney and George H. W. Bush used fear to drive their policies of restrictive freedoms. They pushed these through so they could amass additional powers and push government money towards their friends. Once these freedoms are gone, they almost never come back. The Republican party has been running on a campaign of fear ever since. Quite honestly, they've used fear as their driving force since the '80s. Back then it was fear of the Communists, and then it was fear of 'big government" and then it was fear of immigrants, or "the gays", or restrictions of the second amendment, or caravans of people coming up from South America. Fear is the only thing that they can run on since they have no actual plans to move our country forward.
Unfortunately, there's a reason that you hardly see many fat, old people.
Just wanted to find out what the count of these guys being secret leftist Antifa members is... oh yeah, zero...
Yet Another Imbecile for Trump... I didn't realize just how quickly defunding schools in red states would affect the electorate...
That's fascinating. Obviously, there's a series of repeating numbers in there, and one of the numbers would have a highest number of repeats... until further places of pi are determined and another number knocks it off... I assume there's a repeating 1, or 2 that repeats 7 or 8 times,etc... at some point...
Well I thought that at first, but it has to be less than infinite since other numbers have to repeat in there as well with at least some occurrence so it's infinite minus something, but since pi goes on infinitely, it's obviously some high number...
There's a 9 repeating 6 times in there which I'd think is a pretty rare occurrence in pi. I wonder what the longest occurrence of a repeating digit is.
That's a pretty good interest to have. Do you happen to have a write up of good networking solutions to use for homes? Most people probably just grab a router on sale or use the one provided by their Internet provider and use the default settings.
I'm sure that everyone has bottlenecks that they could fix, but most people just don't have the knowledge base to figure it out.