Lmao, weren't Russians using their own line charges to bomb apartment buildings like a year back?
Using your equipment for the role it was designed for? Imagine.
Lmao, weren't Russians using their own line charges to bomb apartment buildings like a year back?
Using your equipment for the role it was designed for? Imagine.
The MG-42 was so good, postwar Rheinmetall thought it worthwhile to basically remake the TDP from scratch after it was lost to the war. And only nowadays does the MG-3 seem like it's getting long in the tooth and its many users are finding replacements.
Guantanamo is a notorious US torture facility, it doesn't need to be compared to other US torture facilities.
The Third Reich used lots of beasts of burden for their logistics as well. Makes sense when you want to save your oil and steel for fighting vehicles ~~because your industrial base ain't all that~~.
I wish our flag stood for all the things we were brainwashed to believe as kids. But it doesn't. Around the world, it stands for brash ignorance, chauvinism, neo-imperialism, and warmongering.
I guess it's fitting that at home it doesn't stand for much on its own. For sale and free use to the highest bidder and the lowest opportunist.
I wouldn't say "super easy." It's certainly in the realm of what's possible for a normal person who is good with their hands, but that's not everyone. A lot of people seem to conflate "possible" with "really simple" when it comes to handicrafts like this.
The powder in particular is quite tricky to do well.
If you managed to bubba an AR buffer in there, it probably wouldn't do anything but make the gun heavier. The AR buffer is acted on directly by the AR bolt carrier...no carrier, the buffer probably moves very little if at all under the recoil impulse alone. And if it did move, I would be worried about it eventually cracking the stock.
There's likely purpose-built products you could try.
Also, changing the buffer weight can impact the reliability of your AR. Don't just put a couple mags through and call it good. Ammo, fouling, even ambient temperature can trip things up. It's common for competition shooters to fiddle with that stuff to get the maximum shoot-ability they can, but there's a reason the mil-spec buffer is the weight it is.
Throw this one on there for good measure.
The American owner class dabbled in this before. Now they are going to succeed.
Ah, I glossed over that this was in Kursk, my bad. Got a bit used to the multiple times a week strikes against Ukrainian daycares, playgrounds, shopping malls, et al
The judges in January 6 cases should probably be fearful for their careers if not their lives.
I suspect that usernames that consist of "adjective-noun-4 digit number" are bots tasked with demoralization. Not that we can entirely discount actual people being so braindead.