I haven't done a D3 season in many years. I remember that at least at one point you could earn / find a pet you could keep from then on for all your characters. You think they'll do something like this again?
I'm hoping for Isabel J Kim on the best new writer. I've enjoyed many of her stories in Clarkesworld.
Yes, definitely hoping for the Children of Time series to win. I'm finishing up the first and looking forward to the next two.
The only novel in the finalists that I've read is Scalzi's. It's a fun read, but yeah, it's not fantastic science fiction.
I was going to say the same thing. I've always prided myself on being able to tell you the general direction anything was in, and could drive in a general direction (before Google Maps) and find my way. But I am complete crap at in-game directions even after really trying to get a feel for the surroundings.
So, because Foza Horizon 5 was one of the first games to come out for the Steam Deck I bought it for my PC thinking it would run well. Turns out it won't run with the current Linux Nvidia drivers and I had to get a refund.
Me neither. I mean you really gotta go looking for it. Maybe that's all he seeing because that's all he's looking for?
I always thought Nvidia was the default choice, but maybe not for Linux?
They didn't 'neglect' to upgrade. They tried several times, but had issues with each.
No, this is 11:00 am California time! 😜
And my hammer!
I'm reading Children of Time, but definitely not speed reading. Taking it slow and enjoying every minute reading about Portia, Bianca, and Fabian.
My story is that I've used Relay for Reddit exclusively for years and years. But now with everything, and Sync for Lemmy on the horizon, I'm looking forward to SfL.
Wow, how did you find a three week old post? :)