
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

yea, the idea of any kind of "for profit" healthcare should scare the hell out of people

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Great! love seeing the community grow.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

Starting Sept. 3, anyone who accepts work through these and other gig-based apps, such as ride-hailing and delivery services, must receive $20.88 an hour from the time they accept an assignment to the time it is completed, the province says

The $20.88 figure is 20 per cent higher than B.C.'s minimum wage of $17.40 an hour in order to address the gaps between gigs, the government says. Like the minimum wage, it will be adjusted annually to keep up with inflation.

So, yea, doesnt sound like it includes operating expenses, but thats why its higher than just minimum.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 2 weeks ago

i think if steam took 0%, the number of bugs in larger games would remain completly unchanged.

It might help the smaller devs, but not the big games.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

beating that drum will never save anyone.

Its just as effective as saying "well, just drive safer".

What we need is proper, safety oriented infrastructure. this includes narrowing travel lanes, raised speed humps, minimizing crossing distances, improving lines of sight,

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Sounds like a just ruling

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 weeks ago

Good, those chemicals are no joke, and they decided to shut down instead of do the minimum

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Classic Russia: invade a country, blame the USA.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 weeks ago

thank you! hope everything goes smoothly

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

Looks great! Really nailed, err, tooth picked it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

He drove his Kia Optima nine kilometres on Highway 628, at one point veering “completely into oncoming traffic,” Leonard said.

Wow, i have a beer or two, and think long and hard wheather i'm ok to drink.. other people jhust seem to throw caution to the wind, and yell "Other people only live once"

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I'm assuming theres a dropped /s?

People will absolutely vote against their own interest to make someone they dislike hurt.


I want to make my own bed, and have several example pictures. Where do people find plans for their furniture?

Name the Song (
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

band is not famous, so a little hint that its a steampunk band.


Really pissed off that we are fighting inflation, skimpflation and shrinkflation all at the same time.

Buying chocolate granola bars, only to realize after they only "chocolaty" instead really pissed me off!



im trying to remember the name of a short story i read about three years ago online.

A girl was sent by her bible thumping parents in to an... AI controlled prison. the AI explains how this is permanent, but they are studying humans.

Its explained how the coffin sized room can simulate any situation, and over time she realizes that she can request drones be sent to real planets, and these drones can have humans forms. Each "prison cell" is either 1 cubic km, or 10 cubic km of support infrastructure to allow them to deliver the perfect VR experience.

Managed to refine my search terms a bit, and by using "AI prison" instead of "vr prison" found it!


Yea... buying a $35 "early access" title, to have a large amount of the content locked behind a pay wall... that kills any interest in the game for me.

""Assuming you play only regular matches and not solo (2 points per extract), and each round takes you 10 minutes to extract, and you NEVER DIE, it would take you ~30 hours to get 5 shards," sp00kyemperor calculated in a separate thread. "So if you're a god tier player that extracts every single time, it will still take you 30 hours to unlock one class.""


Anyone find the their e-reader struggles with the Secret Projects?

The epubs have these massive, beautiful drawings which my (1 year old) e-reader struggles with every time i reach the end of the chapter, and then because they are so large they are overly zoomed in.

i'm tempted to run them through something like Libre to see if i can compress the images down to something my ereader can handle.


Just ran into this. Its kinda scary with how good it sounds, its clearly Linus, with a new york accent.


The fact that this has been replicated is amazing!


My garage has an AC, which is never used (its so wasteful to heat and cool the room! prefer just to put on a fan) Thinking that if i install a unit like this, i can break this in to two separate 20 amps circuits for outlets, or use the AC if i feel the need.

Anyone do something similar?


Hey guys!

My friend just finished this mural for our nursery, heavily inspired by the "Merry in Heaven" peice by zzyzzyy. Figured it was too good not to share!


I recently stumbled upon this list of scifi based on Invasive Species, and one that caught my eye was "The Pollinators of Eden" by John Boyd. Unfortunately, finding a physical copy was a challenge, so I opted for the online version on Open Library.

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐☆☆

Boyd's novel takes readers on a thought-provoking adventure that blends the essence of the 1960s with a futuristic setting in the year 225x. The retro-futurism aspect adds a fun and nostalgic touch to the narrative, creating an interesting backdrop for the story to unfold.

However, one aspect that stands out is the unusual emphasis on sexuality throughout the book. The main character, Freda Caron, initially presents herself as a tight-laced, career-driven woman with an aversion to physical contact. However, her character undergoes a rather forced transformation, facilitated by the consumption of multiple martinis, leading to her becoming sexually liberated and even engaging in intimate encounters with an orchid, eventually giving birth to a large seed. This character growth feels contrived and lacks a genuine development, appearing more like a checkbox of sexual encounters rather than a meaningful exploration of her personal journey.

The novel also introduces the intriguing theme of the end of the universe, and trying to allow some survival of humanity past this upcoming end, which could have been a fascinating story in its own right. However, it seems to be incorporated primarily to serve as a catalyst for Freda's unusual outcome of giving birth to a seedling, which is portrayed as a positive outcome. This aspect of the narrative feels somewhat forced and detracts from the potential depth that could have been explored in the exploration of the universe's demise.

Overall, "The Pollinators of Eden" is an engaging read, particularly if you're seeking a short novel that transports you to a different era. It offers a blend of retro-futurism and thought-provoking ideas, even though the unusual focus on sexuality and the contrived character growth of Freda may be off-putting for some readers. If you're open to unconventional tales and can look past these quirks, you'll find enough intrigue and originality to make the journey worthwhile.

If you want something which stands up better to the test of time, I recommend Green Patches by Asimov.

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