A place I used to work had a similar problem with people flushing the wrong kind of paper. Turns out the company, which sold expensive charcoal grills, wasn't putting enough tp in the employee bathrooms.
This is awesome. Miéville is one of my favorite authors. The Scar and Iron Council are my favorites after Perdido Street Station.
Two things have saved me money in this life - being able to cook, and being able to fix things.
Because it's easier to find a car covered in 2A stickers and pictures of AR15's and steal the guns out of it.
Polls by whom, asking who, with what methodology? If it's cold-calling people to ask them who they will vote for you can bet that nobody under 60 is answering.
One of my favorite games makes no mention of the main character's gender, and the main character is always depicted in an outfit that is a sort of cross between a spacesuit and worker's coveralls. And it doesn't make one bit of difference in the game.
I have four of them, they know. Any small animal that gets in their yard has about five seconds to escape before being eaten.
Don't they more or less give heroin to people recovering from surgeries?
Speak klingon.
I sure hope so
What? Old washing machines just use switches and a cam that's on a timer. Anyone who can read a basic schematic can figure out what is wrong with one.