Can someone please explain. Ty
joined 6 months ago
Be comfortable in my body
Wear the clothes I like
Express my joy at this cute thing I just found
Feel good when I wake up in the morning
Openly express my love for the people I hold dearest to me
Go into stores like Victorias secret
Stop for 2 seconds to oogle the cute dress in the window of said vs
Paint my nails
Listen to certain music
Look too long at a third of the people I find attractive
Grow boobs
Ect ect could go on you get the idea
I mean from my experience it was (a) pretty easy (attempt). My grandma had way too much (or not enough cause I'm writing this) chantax / other missilanious pills lying around. Took everything I could find and a few days later I woke up in the hospital where they kept me for like a week -_-