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[–] Buffalox 6 points 4 days ago

And as a bonus for banning trans people, they think they'll go to heaven for being good little bigots for god.

[–] Buffalox 0 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)

Viewing US as landlord is about how USA behaves towards them.
How USA behaves towards foreign countries is determined primarily by the president.
You stating it's the same, is the same as stating Trump is no different from other presidents.
If you were misunderstood, it would be better to explain what you actually meant.

[–] Buffalox 7 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I blame USA. USA guaranteed Ukraine security when they gave up their nukes.
Then Russia was allowed to take Crimea, and to stir up trouble in Donbas with military aid. Claiming they wanted independence, despite an election had voted with 80% majority to stay Ukrainian.

Russia has been a constant aggressor against Ukraine since at least 2014. And both Ukraine and the West tried to appease Putin. Still Putin chose to invade. There is no way this can be blamed on Ukraine. it's exclusively Russian hostility, and an attempt by Putin to gain more power.

Trump is a traitor to USA interests, a traitor to their allies, NATO and to democracy itself. That USA is allowing Trump to continue shows the complete failure of American democracy.

[–] Buffalox 5 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (4 children)

Are you really saying Trump is the same? Nothing has changed with Trump?

[–] Buffalox 34 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Bigotry and discrimination is the new normal in USA.

[–] Buffalox 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Oh sorry, I shouldn't have assumed that everybody knows.
For others that may not know, the Tik-Tok strategy was having dual development teams to increase the pace of development. 1 team worked on making designs for new production processes. The other worked on improving that design while the next new process was being developed. The new process and design was called Tik, and the improved design on the same process was called Tok.

[–] Buffalox 4 points 4 days ago

200 years have expanded feds and now we’re in a hostage situation.

Absolutely, although I'm disappointed UK chose Brexit, I very much favor their right to do so. I believe the ability to leave helps prevent EU overreach.

[–] Buffalox 61 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (6 children)

This pretty much nails the article.

But there are things the article doesn't mention, so it's even worse than that. Because the real estate market is on the brink of collapse.
And the financial institutions are not well bolstered, because they've been forced to lend money to the weapons industry, so the Russian state can buy weapons below cost price!
So if the real estate market collapses, the banks will collapse, and apart from the extreme economic slow down that causes, the weapons industry will simply not be able to make weapons for the Russian army!!!

It's all a house of cards, and there are many more fractures in the Russian economy than this, but this is the most obvious AFAIK.
As things are going, there is no if, It sems to be literally only a matter of time when the Russian economy will collapse. Some are guessing that it can't hold longer than until Mid summer. But Russia has this weird tradition, where people keep meeting for work, even if they haven't been paid for months?! This could possibly extend it a bit further.

The Kremlin has no plan D to finance its budget deficit

This key point is worth mentioning too IMO. Russia is out of options, because every aspect of their economy is stressed beyond sustainable limits already.

For the Kremlin, it thus looks like this year is set to be difficult on the fiscal front.

This gave me a chuckle, it's such an understatement.

[–] Buffalox 20 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (8 children)

I'm beginning to suspect that US society is so insane, that people go insane living there.
The stress from the constant lies and gaslighting, and the pressure of poor health and social services, the bigotry and discrimination, and a fundamentally flawed democracy. I seriously think these things combined make people crazy. There is no country I know of, that have such a degree of outright insane politicians.
There are also stellar Americans, that are world class good people, but unfortunately good people are a minority, and it must be hell for them right now.
Seems to me USA may be the worst society to live in now, among all developed countries.

[–] Buffalox 5 points 4 days ago (4 children)

Yes, and this is a very important factor if you want to get or stay ahead.
Intel had their famous Tik-Tok strategy up until 2016, and when that broke, Intel broke.
Nvidia had a similar strategy churning originally out new GPU models at twice the speed of competitors. And Nvidia is now the most successful chip making company ever.

This article is a bit more modest than twice the speed, stating only 30% faster development cycle in China, but there is no doubt the Chinese market is extremely competitive:

[–] Buffalox 50 points 5 days ago (9 children)

I've been saying this for years, Tesla will not remain #1 on electric cars once they become mainstream.
Tesla has declining sales in ALL major markets, and they have only half the profitability of the average for the industry!!
Tesla is not a competitive brand anymore, and unless something is done, Tesla will be gone in 10-20 years.

This is not just because of Musk, it's also because the alternatives are getting better than Tesla now. Musk is absolutely accelerating the decline of Tesla, both by making stupid decisions for Tesla, and by being an unpopular figure.
But Tesla is not developing at the same cadence as other makers, 5 years to make an updated model Y is a very slow development cadence, the average is about 3 years, and currently in China for EV it's allegedly half that!!
For a new type of car, where developments are constant on better technologies like batteries, 5 years is horrendously slow, and cutting prices hard kind of makes it worse, devaluing the entire fleet of existing cars.
Something Musk also promised wouldn't happen, as he claims a Tesla holds value better than any other brand, which is now obviously false.

[–] Buffalox 2 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I confused myself a bit there, because the systems are so different. Here with a parliamentary system, if the PM is no longer trusted, parliament would usually make a no confidence vote for the entire government.
The real problem is that even if the President is removed, the administration remains mostly the same, I assume that makes the vice president the new president. And the administration can continue the corrupt dealing.
So the whole administration needs to be impeached, so the new President becomes the majority leader of the senate, (I think is the person next in line after VP.) Who is then free to build a new administration, independent of the one the corrupt president had built.

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