Hitler apart from being an idiot was insane and extremely superstitious.
Like Trump he was ruthless, but the real difference is that Hitler was politically adept and efficient, Trump is not.
You can't get sufficient vitamin D from eating a normal healthy varied diet.
So if you want to be sure, and don't live a place where the sun gets above 45° year round, you need to take it as a supplement.
It's ridiculous to read labels to see if you get enough of all vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and amino acids. That's insane.
But Trump has shown time and again that he is completely incompetent compared to Hitler!
But maybe he has better help, so we can't even rely on his incompetence anymore? 😬
“The UK will work to ensure we keep the US and Europe together,” Starmer was quoted as saying in a statement released by Downing Street on Saturday. “We cannot allow any divisions in the alliance to distract from the external enemies we face.”
Erm.. Isn't that exactly what USA is doing? Dividing NATO and the alliance with Ukraine against Russia, an invading enemy!!
So what the fuck does Starmer mean by that?
He used 17 shots and the result:
sent the two victims to the hospital for their wounds, with one reportedly shot in the shoulder and the other hit in the forearm
So yes, that was lucky!
the suspect, 27-year-old Mordechai Brafman, who shot them 17 times, was charged with attempted murder.
So I guess the shooter was lucky too, he survived the arrest.
It's mandatory to label sweetened water as not containing Cholesterol or trans fat?
That's outright moronic. Might as well demand labeling the amount of U35.
It's moronic to require labeling what's NOT in it, it ads noise and hides what's actually in it.
I know American standards are sometimes stupid, but really?
Kind of insane that things that would make a label illegal as misleading in EU is required in USA!?
That it's a requirement in USA, doesn't change the fact that it's illegal in EU, because it doesn't add meaningful information, and is therefore detrimental for quickly seeing the actual content.
And there's the infamous Finish trap, where they hide an extra troop so they are 2 in a place where the Russians think there is only 1.
The Russians simply have no counter for that!
It is a maximum. A recommended limit that you should not exceed.
Ah OK that makes better sense.
But that's not the same as a "daily recommendation" which was what GBU_28 wrote, and I responded to.
it’s percent of daily recommendation.
Not a significant source of saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol...
Those are the ones that are illegal, not protein 0g.
The fat parts are illegal because those are not normal content for that kind of product, trans fats are also regulated, and advertising that something is within regulation is illegal. Because it implies other products are not.
It's funny how some people can't even spot the problematic parts when pointed out, because they are so used to them.
OK first you are moving the goal post, you merely wrote troops originally, now you change it to combat troops.
But yes I know the ratio is usually 1:4, meaning about 250K European COMBAT troops.
This is still way more than the 100K you claimed above.
All in all you are literally full of shit.
This is the exact path for a totalitarian dictatorship. And if history is any indication, Democrats will probably just file a complaint when democracy ends in USA.