Linguine as long as it's cooked correctly. It's toothsome in the right way.
Orzo can fuck all the way off and when it gets to fuckoffville it can fuck off even further.
Linguine as long as it's cooked correctly. It's toothsome in the right way.
Orzo can fuck all the way off and when it gets to fuckoffville it can fuck off even further.
A friend who worked in ER told me this, a person walking a friend's pit bull while the friend was away, very familiar with the dog, and the dog lunged at a passing dog, they gripped the leash so it didn't get away, and it turned on them instead and ripped their arm right off. Someone called 911 and the cops had to shoot and kill the dog to stop the attack. The arm could not be saved at all. Imagine talking to your friend when they returned when you suddenly have no arm and the dog is gone? What's that conversation like?
No pit bull apologist will ever convince me they're safe dogs. I have a few other stories, including my own niece needing four facial plastic surgeries due to a family pet attacking her. Those dogs should be banned.
I am in Canada and I can and do get one every six months. The least risk the better. People minimize COVID now but it's still really a bad thing.
No, but once I thought I did. I was in a fight with my nasty SO, and I finally said to whatever he was being a narcissist about, "Do whatever you want, you always do". I thought that was a pretty original thing to say as a comeback, and then I read Stephen King's book Lisey's Story, and a character in there says the same thing.
There is this loopy crunchy family in Australia who had twins in a very dangerous home birth, but they did live, and they named them Maxamillion and Merlin Radbod. Is that a good set of names for future? Not sure but it was something.
I saw a woman outside in the giant snow storm we had last weekend in flip flops and a sleeveless sundress.
I don't eat animal products anymore, but I did eat a Kentucky hot brown once and that was interesting at the time. Unfortunately the restaurant I ate it in that was in Kentucky was so scary because there were actual Klan members in there and they were smoking in the restaurant. It was the absolute only place open on a Sunday to eat and it was kind of scary.
Garbage plates! I don't eat animal products anymore but that was a fun thing to eat. Also a Kentucky hot brown was an interesting dish, even though I ended up eating that in a restaurant that had actual Klan members in it.
And also a lot of people are not getting vaccinated for influenza and COVID and whatall. I read that only 17 percent of children in Kentucky this year got the flu shot, and while they're obviously crazy down there compared to us that's dismal. I myself got some virus in December that took my voice away for weeks, and I am religious about vaccines.
I heard that one. Anyone who uses the word woke seriously is a joke.
Should have been rethought the first time the orange rapist won. That signals how unstable they are.
Sixteen Candles. Say Anything. Boogie Nights.