
joined 2 years ago
[–] BoneALisa 7 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Recently bough an e-ink reader for this exact reason. I'm reading for the first time in almost 10 years and I am falling asleep way quicker and getting better sleep than i have in a loooong time. Best $100 ive spent in awhile.

[–] BoneALisa 6 points 2 years ago

9x9 keeps people from being overwhelmed. Its the size of a chess baord, so its familiar to those people, and easier for teaching someone the basic life and death stuff. There are so many extra things you have to worry about on a 19x19, that it can just be a huge barrier to all but the most serious beginners.

Most importantly, it's faster. 9x9 games can be played way faster than a 19x19. I can't convince my friend to sit for 45min to an hour and a half while we play a 19x19, but a 10-15min 9x9 I can definitely pressure them into lol.

[–] BoneALisa 5 points 2 years ago (1 children)

I can't remember the name, but we have ships designed to rescue submarines from that depth with essentially a long ass crane. I don't know of they still exist, but America did it to recover a soviet(?) Sub that fell to the bottom of the ocean.

Either way there's no way they have enough oxygen to last much longer unfortunately...

[–] BoneALisa 2 points 2 years ago

Ahh that makes sense, ill have to play around with it and see what I can get out of it with those settings, thanks for the tip! lol.

[–] BoneALisa 2 points 2 years ago

What's the saying? If you can't tell if it's ignorance or malice, it's probably the former?

however, with all of these points, even if it is ignorance, the lying about encryption (even though I don't really use it) is upsetting. That plus the other lies I've seen them pull is enough to make me consider switching to something else.

Got any recs? Lol

[–] BoneALisa 4 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (2 children)

I was playing with this the other day! It seems really cool. I'm much more familiar with blender, so im going to try and get the vox files exported as OBJ's or something from MagicaVoxel.

Really sweet photo! How difficult was it to get your lighting settings right? It didn't seem very intuitive when I was messing around with it lol.

Edit: Wait I just realized youre the one who made the vox uristi tool lol! awesome! thank you for the hard work :)

[–] BoneALisa 3 points 2 years ago

Ah, that would make sense. I could definitely see that being annoying, especially considering the sheer number of users on that instance.

[–] BoneALisa 6 points 2 years ago (4 children)

What's the reason for defederating from them? Aren't they like the original Masto instance? What kind of moderation issues are going on there?

[–] BoneALisa 3 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Fair point. I can't really think of any games that have done that, either. Interesting that there haven't been more physics sandbox style open worlds, come to think of it....

[–] BoneALisa 15 points 2 years ago (1 children)

There are two distinct things I could want when searching for stuff on [Insert Search Engine Here]:

  • Niche "Expert" Opinion: If I am trying to figure out what maple syrup to buy, I am not going to go to someone's advertised maple syrup blog with sponsored posts and a bajillion ads. I am going to go to r/maplesyrup. While they might all be snobby dudes with highly opinionated takes, I at least know it's from people who care enough to be angry about maple syrup on reddit. And most of the time, they give good advice that will point me towards an informed purchase.

  • Troubleshooting: Reddit has great troubleshooting threads imo. If I threw my issue into the search engine, and I didnt get a Stack Overflow response, I could add reddit and someone will have at least asked a relevant question before. Sooooooo many of my issues have been assisted in the people asking questions on reddit.

Both of these things I think needs to be replicated elsewhere, especially the Niche "Experts". I would love for my searches to end in "lemmy" or "kbin" or whatever ends up winning, as long as its a federated platform

[–] BoneALisa 3 points 2 years ago

It took me 3 attempts at starting The Witcher before I eventually got through it. I had just came off of Dark Souls 3 combat, so the combat in Witcher was especially clunky feeling. Eventually I moved into a new home, had nothing else to do, and proceeded to do nothing but play the game for 50 hours until I beat the game lol. I would say the story is worth it, but I agree that its kinda tough to get into.

[–] BoneALisa 3 points 2 years ago

it's pretty cobbled together, but ive got a docker swarm that runs the following:

  • Portainer to allow for fairly easy CI/CD worflows with Gitlab
  • Plex Stack
    • Plex
    • Radarr
    • Sonarr
    • Jackett
    • qbittorrent
    • VPN
  • Deemix for downloading music
  • Authentik for SSO
  • AWX for my automation
  • Budibase for a local Go club I run
  • A discord bot setup with CI/CD for a friend
  • Foundry VTT
  • a gitlab runner for local CI jobs
  • An comic strip to RSS scraper I wrote
  • MongoDB for Budibase
  • Nextcloud
  • Onlyoffice server
  • PiHole
  • Shlink URL shortener
  • Traefik and Caddy for reverse proxies
  • Uptime Kuma for basic monitoring
  • Minecraft Server
  • Ark Server
  • Frigate NVR

On its own Pi4 I have Homeassistant

submitted 2 years ago by BoneALisa to c/satanism
What Is Satanism? (self.satanism)
submitted 2 years ago by BoneALisa to c/satanism

I pulled this from the FAQ over at /r/satanism, written by /u/modern_quill, as they could explain it better than I ever could. All credit goes to them:

This is a simple question, but it has a complex answer because it depends on who you ask. Satanism as a philosophy and religion was first codified by Anton Szandor LaVey in his 1969 publication of The Satanic Bible. Some people refer to this secular Satanism as "LaVeyan Satanism" as a nod to Anton LaVey. The Satanic Bible borrows from the works of Might is Right by Ragnar Redbeard, Ayn Rand's Objectivism, and Frederich Nietzsche's Der Wille zur Macht. This is the most widely practiced form of Satanism and is championed by the Church of Satan (CoS) to this day. At its most basic definition, "LaVeyan Satanism" is about living the best life that you want to live, and bending the world around you to your will to achieve that goal. A Satanist sees themselves as their own God. There is, of course, much more to Satanism than that very basic definition, but we expect people to do their own research as well. Most LaVeyan Satanists will simply call it Satanism, as there is only one form of Satanism from the Church of Satan's perspective. Members of the recently formed secular organization called The Satanic Temple (TST), by comparison, see Satanism as political activism. The Satanic Temple often makes news headlines with their efforts to establish a separation of church and state and do not include The Satanic Bible as part of their organization's canon, but rather The Revolt of the Angels by Anatole France. Later, some people in the United Kingdom split from The Satanic Temple to form the Global Order of Satan (GOS). There are also theistic Satanists, some believe in a literal Satan and some do not. There are also more esoteric organizations such as the Temple of Set (ToS), which was formed by former Church of Satan member Michael Aquino after infighting within the organization in 1975 caused many theistic members to split away and become Setians.

Satanism (
submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by BoneALisa to c/newcommunities

Hey everyone! Saw a TST community pop-up, and didn't see a proper Satanism community, so I made one:

/c/satanism If that link doesnt work for you, here is the full link:

Edit: accidentally misnamed the last community, removed that one and spun up one with the correct name. Sorry about that yall lol.

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