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[–] Boddhisatva 39 points 1 hour ago (3 children)

On the brink of his prison stint, Bannon is attempting to rally an audience he calls an “army of the awakened” to sustain his anti-establishment crusade.

So he wants a "woke" army to support his crusade?

[–] Boddhisatva 41 points 2 hours ago (7 children)

Yes, but if the married couple across the street are getting tax and other advantages simply for being married that you and your unmarried partner are not getting, then that is an injustice. Either no one should get such advantages or any pair of people regardless of gender or race should be able to get them. Either get rid of state marriage or let anyone get married.

[–] Boddhisatva 1 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

Fades out? Really?! The daily sea surface temperatures have been setting records every single day for about 15 months and there's no hint it's going to stop soon or maybe ever. We are sitting at about .75 degrees Celsius above the 1982-2011 mean temperatures.

This is serious shit and it is NOT fading away.

[–] Boddhisatva 4 points 2 days ago

How long until Abbott pardons her and says she was acting in self defense and had a reasonable fear for her life?

[–] Boddhisatva 12 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Good guy with a gun only works in Hollywood. In real life, the cops are going to shoot the good guy with a gun because he's at an active shooting scene and he's holding a gun. The math, like most cops, is really pretty simple.

[–] Boddhisatva 115 points 2 days ago (6 children)

“It was kissing and petting and not intercourse, but it was wrong,” Morris said of the relationship to the Christian Post.

Is it really an allegation still when you are quoting him in the article admitting to it?

[–] Boddhisatva 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Novembern? Is this Jesus' sneaky way of saying never?

[–] Boddhisatva 117 points 3 days ago (9 children)

To paraphrase Clarence Darrow, I would never wish a man dead, but there are some obituaries that I very much look forward to reading.

[–] Boddhisatva 10 points 3 days ago

It's Texas. He was probably shooting at a liberal. It's de facto legal there. The Governor just pardoned a convicted murderer. This Uber driver had posted on line and in text messages that he wanted to kill racial justice protesters, then drove to a protest. He then found an armed protester (again, it's Texas so of course there was one there), and got in an argument with him. Eventually, he got tired of waiting for the protester to point a gun at him so he could claim self defense and just shot the protester to death anyway. He was convicted and sentenced to jail. Abbott however, decided that that was unfair. He said, and this is a quote, “Texas has one of the strongest ‘Stand Your Ground' laws of self-defense that cannot be nullified by a jury or a progressive District Attorney.”

So you see, in Texas, shooting at people, even killing them, isn't apparently against the law if the people you are shooting at are liberals.

[–] Boddhisatva 8 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Her… now former … husband was 22 when he hit on her, a 16 year old, working at McDonalds. That is how they met.

Hey, I think it's important that we stick to facts here. Particularly when the facts are so very... I'm not sure what the term is. Let's just say that the facts are very Boebert.

First of all, he was 24 at the time and she was 17, and it wasn't a McDonalds, it was a bowling alley. Most importantly, I'm not sure it counts as 'hitting on her' when he took his dick out and flashed her and two other girls. He did time for it too, a whopping four days plus two years probation. It was after he got out that they got together. I guess it was a nice dick.

Anyway, just wanted to correct the record.

[–] Boddhisatva 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Not to speak for the other person but I feel the same way. His win in 2016 was a fluke.

It won't be a fluke, this time. Republicans in Red states have spent the last couple years ramming through laws making it harder to vote. And they will certainly be claiming massive fraud again, sans evidence, and tying up certification in their states for as long as possible giving SCOTUS the chance to step in like they did in Florida 2000 when SCOTUS handed the states votes to Bush.

Worse still, republicans in swing states have been trying to use the theory of the independent sate legislature to enact legislation granting themselves the power to overrule the will of the voters and award the state's electoral votes to the candidate of their own choosing. Don't shake your head too quickly at that idea. At least three members of SCOTUS support the idea.

Even so, three justices—Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, and Clarence Thomas—have spent two years campaigning for the independent-state-legislature doctrine in judicial statements and dissents. None of those writings carried the force of law, but together they served as invitations for a plaintiff to bring them a case suitable to their purpose. A fourth justice, Brett Kavanaugh, wrote a concurrence in which he invited the North Carolina Republicans in the Moore case to return to the Supreme Court after losing an emergency motion. Where John Roberts and Amy Coney Barrett stand on the doctrine is unclear.

You can be certain that there will be lawsuits filed within hours of the election claiming fraud and that the legislatures in those states can name their own electors. I wouldn't even be surprised to see right wing terrorists attacking polling stations, disguised as AFTIFA of course, in order to give the legislatures ammo to support those efforts.

This could be the ugliest election in the history of this nation. The forces of evil are doing all they can to hand Trump another term.

[–] Boddhisatva 2 points 3 days ago

Might be a little salty for some people, but fuckem…

Which, amusingly, is an apt summary of the article.


Fulton County prosecutors filed an emergency request for a protective order in the Georgia election subversion case on Tuesday after recorded statements made by multiple defendants as part of their plea deals were made public.

On Monday, ABC News and The Washington Post published footage of the proffer sessions, which showed the four defendants who pleaded guilty being questioned by prosecutors about their involvement in various efforts to overturn the 2020 election results.

Prosecutors said the footage was turned over to the remaining defendants as part of discovery, urging the court to impose restrictions on how the defendants can disclose the materials.

“The release of these confidential video recordings is clearly intended to intimidate witnesses in this case, subjecting them to harassment and threats prior to trial, constitutes indirect communication about the facts of this case with codefendants and witnesses, and obstructs the administration of justice, in violation of the conditions of release imposed on each defendant,” prosecutors wrote in their motion.

To prevent further disclosure, prosecutors said they will not provide videos of any proffer sessions to defendants moving forward.

“Instead, defendants must come to the District Attorney’s Office to view confidential video recordings of proffers. They may take notes, but they will be prohibited from creating any recordings or reproductions,” prosecutors wrote in the filing.

submitted 7 months ago by Boddhisatva to c/politics

Last weekend, an auction held at his Florida home saw the item, described as "a one of a kind Trump Glock from the 45th President of the United States Donald J. Trump," go up for bidding during a charity event. Pictures circulating on social media show the gun being presented at the auction, with news website Meidas Touch saying that bidding for the item began at $10,000.

However, the transaction could land the former U.S. president in considerable trouble, given that federal law prohibits those under indictment from transacting firearms. Trump is embroiled in active legal proceedings, having testified at a civil trial over the New York investigation into financial fraud at the Trump Organization. The former president has denied all wrongdoing and repeatedly said that the ongoing federal and civil cases against him are part of a political witch hunt.

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