
joined 2 years ago
[–] BlindFrog 1 points 13 minutes ago

Live action movie announced, let's gooo :u

[–] BlindFrog 1 points 40 minutes ago

This is the way

[–] BlindFrog 3 points 3 days ago

Yup, that's how the katakana/hiragana would be spoken aloud. Source: I only do these on Duolingo to keep up my streak

[–] BlindFrog 1 points 4 days ago

Some routers have DNS settings other than choosing a DNS provider? :0 What does setting this up look like generally?

[–] BlindFrog 2 points 5 days ago

Not En Jinnicks?

[–] BlindFrog 10 points 6 days ago

I understand snopes tries to be objective, but I watched it and still think the kid did it.

[–] BlindFrog 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Auto-collapse bots is a good setting. Each bot's function is in their name anyway


If there isn't yet, what're the challenges to overcome in making one?

Not that I can code, just hoping for at least a layman's understanding.

[–] BlindFrog 14 points 1 week ago

This is the way. Every act of blind compliance helps validate doge's shenanigans.

[–] BlindFrog 3 points 1 week ago
[–] BlindFrog 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Checked the temperature of the ceiling?

[–] BlindFrog 4 points 1 week ago
For anyone else whom speed reading suddenly came to mind, to enhance your subtitle reading skills :u

It's relevant because the key to speed reading is not recognizing the shape of each word at a time faster, but reading words in larger and larger groups at a time faster. You know that voice inside your head reading the words aloud? Soon, you just stop hearing it. Then you realize speed reading was a skill of speed comprehension the whole time.

I'm in the "one. Word. At. A. Time. In. Rapidfire. Even. If. Someone's. Speaking. Them. At. One. Point. Seventy. Five. Ex. Speed. Sucks. Ass." camp because, same, it distracts me from the rest of the screen, sometimes from the content. I can totally listen to a longform video at that speech pace, but if I had to watch. Subtitles. One. Word. At. A. Time, I'd claw my eyes out.

[–] BlindFrog 4 points 2 weeks ago

Idc what snopes says about inconclusive; I saw and heard in the vids exactly what you did, lmao


I don't know enough to check if this checks out, but I have enough faith in the lemmy community at this moment to believe someone will rush in to correct wrong information.


Preferably on the easier side, especially if 3D. I had a grand old time figuring out the openings in Deaths Door and am hopeful I can pick up Titan Souls soon. Is Another Crab's Treasure as decent for a warm up to soulslikes?

What I liked about Death's Door is that it was simple enough to figure out how to level up, maneuver, and time mechanics so that it didn't slow me down from discovering more of the world or progressing the plot. At first it felt too difficult, but lasting longer through the hard fights was actually fun. I felt a short sense of accomplishment getting through each major fight. And when I felt like I was hitting a brick wall, I had a way to enhance stats. I'm currently stuck practicing the boss fight on the umbrella challenge.

I've watched videos of Dark Souls, and I can tell it's not for me. In MHW, though it's not a soulslike, I'm forever stuck on Deviljho - I've never been able to solo it, only carried. @.@ 'just mentioning it for skill reference.


The original comment by [email protected]:

Dammit, yet another question that I spent too much of my life on.

It comes down to nervesand tissue (cell, not paper) types.

The outside of your nose and the tissues of the anus are not the exact same. There's a different concentration of "nerve endings", and different types in different concentrations.

I doubt you want the full Monty of it, but if you look up the term "sensory receptors", you can do the deep dive very easily.

The short version is that we have specific types of "nerve endings" (that's what they're called colloquially, hence the quote marks, but I'll stop using those at this point). They detect pressure, temperature, pain/injury, etc.

The concentrations of them (as in how many per square inch), and the assortment of them (as in how many of each type in that square inch) varies across the entire body. The easiest way to demonstrate the relative principle is to touch your fingertip to your nose, your lips, your genitals (seriously), and your leg.

You'll find that your brain interprets the signals in an interesting way. It'll filter the less intense signals. You touch your finger to your lip, what your brain "says" is that your lips are being touched by something, and the signal from your finger takes the back seat. You touch the same fingertip to your thigh your brain says the finger is the primary sensation, and you feel the thigh via the finger rather than the finger via the thigh the way the lips worked.

Give it a try on whatever parts of your body you want. There's going to be a shifting perception of whether it's your finger touching something ( where emphasis is placed on the signals from the finger), or it'll be the section of the body being touched by the finger (signal from the touched location being emphasized).

The anus and the nose have different jobs. The anus, mostly, needs to detect pressure, injury, and some degree of chemical contact the nose needs less pressure sensitivity, but more motion sensitivity. So you'll get a different overall sensation with any given substance that's pushed against either, and when the same substance is moved across either. The difference may end up being minor. But both are sensitive enough that most people can tell a difference between paper tissue products blindfolded.

Back in the day, I wiped asses for pay. The only patients I had that couldn't tell the difference between brands of TP had medical issues that interfered with nerve signals. Do a test for yourself. Find a buddy to hand you tp or facial tissues and keep a log (heh, he said log while talking about butts). There's a very good chance that every single one will feel different. You'll probably be able to tell which brand is which if you've used that brand before.

You can probably even tell the difference with your fingers tbh. But you wouldn't likely be able to if the same products were placed or rubbed on your back

You'd also notice that different objects will feel different when just placed on an area and pressed gently into the skin vs when you wipe the area with it.

Skin is an amazing thing. It's armor, a sensor array, a biological filter, sunscreen, and a temperature regulator all in one! Plus other functions tbh, but shit like that gets overwhelming to read for a lot of people

You'd be amazed what you can discover with just an hour sitting around and touching things to parts of your body.


Hi all! Either my Google fu is failing me, or such a cursor software might not have been done yet.

Is there a cursor-customizing software in which I can change the cursor image based on a .png/.gif file (or set of png files), and the image flips depending on movement direction in the X-axis? I kinda want to make a huge cursor, but don't want the image to get in the way of the direction the cursor is traveling.

And um, mint cinnamon btw?


If I'm an adult who wants to experience splashing around and wading round the pool, but whose swimming capabilities extend as far as doggy paddling to safety and floating on my back - what can I even do to have fun at the pool?

What do you do at the pool?

Bonus round: kind of out of my budget to pay for swimming classes, and available friends & family are nil. :c
But I borrowed a life jacket from a coworker, and could buy cheap floaties or a pool noodle.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by BlindFrog to c/[email protected]

SOLVED, with a huge thank you to [email protected]

Hiyo Librecalc pros. Hoping someone has an idea how to automate or minimize the steps for this. Or where should I start? I'm trying to automate transcribing a list from:

Into an array/table like:
Cartridge123, Closet_01
Cartridge234, Closet_01
Cartridge456, Garagenook_01
Toolbox567, Garagenook_01
Toolbox789, Garagenook_01
Cartridge890, Garagenook_02

I get it; I should just carry around a barcode list of all my shelf names and take turns between scanning the list, tabbing over on my phone, scanning a box, then tabbing back again. But... what if I want to be lazier and just scan things in an order and automate the rest later?

Is there a faster way than copy-pasting my way down?

I got as far as making an adjacent column with a formula to check for "_", then copying the location if "_" was found.


Short term: I'm trying to automate transcribing a list from:

Into an array/table
123, A
234, A
456, B
567, B
789, B
345, C

Long term answer I'm looking for: where's a lemmy community I can ask questions like this (like about using formulas in Librecalc/Onlyoffice suite/maybe VBA with them too) in the future?

Or, if not yet established on lemmy, recommended librecalc/Onlyoffice forums?

Thank you for your time.


Hope this is one of the next best places to post and be able to return to. Going to the spotify/meta hosted community forum isn't working out for me due to login issues on multiple browsers and difficulty finding a report like my problem. Typing in just "Jam not working" on their website didn't even bring slightly relevant results.

So, each time I click a link a friend shares with me to join their Jam (formerly known as Group Session), the spotify app opens. If opened earlier and not on my homepage, it switches to the homepage. If the app was closed before, it opens to my homepage. After either scenario, nothing happens. If I'm playing spotify music already, the app opens to my homepage, and the music keeps playing. If I initiated a Jam, then click my friend's invite link, it opens to the homepage, the music I had continues playing, it shows I'm still in my own Jam, and nothing else happens. No matter how long I wait for something to happen after the homepage shows up, my friend's jam never comes up on my screen.

In case this is relevant:

  • Running android 13
  • Spotify version
  • VPN sometimes on, sometimes off, but same bug occurs either way. About a week ago, spotify would only open to show a message along the lines of "no internet connection", but it went away once VPN turned off.
  • Logging in through fb account without issue, even after uninstalling/reinstalling the spotify app
  • Subscribed with Premium Duo as main account manager (post edit: this fact was actually irrelevant)

Thank you for taking your time to read this post.

SOLVED: Spotify loathes VPNs, maybe? I haven't tested with a home VPN service. Consistently, I only get this problem when my phone is connected to VPN. The little key icon in the top-right appears when I'm connected one of my VPN services. I didn't pay close enough attention earlier. Also consistently, if I induce this error message, spotify jam only works after ensuring my VPN service is turned off (it could still be running, but as long as I'm not connected to vpn) AND I've swipe-closed spotify from my recent apps/task-switcher, then reopened the app.


Hi all. I'm trying to make my own twitch chatbot in the spirit of Linux DIY'ing and masochism; having my own bot's name is waaaaay cooler than a common bot with user-friendly UIs and their plethora of engaging and powerful features, apparently.

TL;DR: How do I min-max learning how to translate the Twitch API documentation for Node.JS? Exact questions at the bottom.

My progress so far on July 9, 2023:
I set up a bot successfully using this article but with tweaks:
Archive .org capture here:*/


  • Skipped the streamyard stuff because, who cares, I have OBS
  • I added identity tags under the connection configurations because I kept getting errors in my terminal that my bot couldn't write to chat anonymously (I've never seen anonymous chatting, why the hell is this in the suggested code). Connection config section of the .js file now looks like this:

const client = new tmi.Client({
options: { debug: true, messagesLogLevel: "info" },
connection: {
reconnect: true,
secure: true
identity: {
username: ${process.env.TWITCH_USERNAME},
password: oauth:${process.env.TWITCH_OAUTH}
channels: [${process.env.TWITCH_CHANNEL}]

  • Kind of nested (is that the right word?) in the switch section, I removed the entire "Upvote" and "Cheers" shenanigans because, for some reason with the suggested code in the article, it replied like "FireEmoji unknown_user unknown_user, you have been upvoted!" to every single line of chat, lmao. The bot would reply to "Watsup dorks" with something like "FiReEmOji @Watsup dorks, you have been upvoted!".
  • Also kind of nested in the switch section, I added the random number generator example given in other people's tutorials around the internet and formatted it similarly to the article's method of checking messages like so:

// When user enters "!rolldice" in chat, bot returns random number between 1 and 20.
case '!rolldice':
client.say(channel, ${tags.username} rolled a ${Math.floor(Math.random()*20)+1}!);

If you would like me to revisit that article's suggested code as-is and be more specific with my errors encountered, I'd be happy to oblidge upon request.

Questions I hope to answer someday:
How do I get my bot to see if a message has a hyperlink, then delete that message?
How do I set up a whitelist database of usernames for my bot to reference so they could post whatever links?
How do I get my bot to timeout people who have entered trigger words in chat?
How do I get my bot to change other chatters' name colors in chat?
What is the next best source of internet community I can go to for advice on Twitch API use? (It's July 2023 at the moment, and giving Reddit traffic to learn to make moderator bots is, IMO, a bit ironic). How can I learn to translate the Twitch API commands to javascript like this? Is there a library that can tell me in close-to-plain-english that explains things like "client.say() means this, this is how you can use it, and X things must be specified in these brackets for client.say" etc.?

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