My wife bought that from a local distillery, she kept telling me "but it's low calories". It was such garbage.
I hate linking to Reddit, but follow this guide for re-vanced on Android:
How dare you refer to William Shatner as "the guy in the corner"!
I'm in an open floor plan with cubicles. There is one asshole who has an office, he insists on having loud conversations, with his door open, on mother fucking speakerphone through his tinny laptop speakers. I've resorted to a white noise playlist on Spotify. He's a client, so not cool telling him to fuck off.
Strands #171 “One for the ages” 🔵🔵🔵🟡 🔵🔵🔵
Trumpanzees! That's fucking awesome.
I remapped my Netflix button to Plex and YouTube to SmartTube. I suppose I could sand off and repaint them.
Can't talk now, watching Switchback!
Just - Radiohead purely for the lyrics "You do it to yourself, you do And that's what really hurts"