
joined 1 year ago
[–] BillMurray 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

In the US: hump day.

[–] BillMurray 3 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Does anyone else have this problem: Some messages only showing up for iPhone users in the group SMS chat? For example someone will answer a question that the Android users never see. Then those questions randomly show up a week later for Android users? Hopefully RCS will fix that.

[–] BillMurray 10 points 2 weeks ago

Even better, buy a gift card for slightly more than the cost of the father's day card. Use the gift card to buy the card so the remaining value is an odd number so it's obviously used.

[–] BillMurray 1 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Is that a good deal anymore? I live in Canada where we typically get dry fucked on cellphone plans. I used to pay $50 for 6 GB, but they keep having deals and I keep switching up my plan. I'm currently paying $35 ($25.50 USD)/mo for 70 GB.

[–] BillMurray 3 points 3 weeks ago
[–] BillMurray 4 points 3 weeks ago

A lot easier to pull up then push down...

[–] BillMurray 6 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Get a valve stem remover, 4 flat tires suck

[–] BillMurray 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Negan? Yeah he went from a charismatic psychopath to the sympathetic grandmother.

[–] BillMurray 31 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) (3 children)

Boeing used to be a company that put safety and quality first, they revolutionized plane travel with the 737. But recently Boeing has put share price ahead of safety and decided to move their corporate office from Seattle, where the planes are built and engineering is done, to Boston (edit: Chicago, not Boston). Why? Because executives heard that successful companies have corporate offices in a separate location. Then the merger with McDonnell Douglas, who has a horrible track record just made Boeing's quality slide even further. Boeing now parcels out work to subcontractors who subcontract even further and there is no oversight or quality control on the components. This results in "door plugs" missing bolts or having bolts that were not tightened properly on the 737 max.

[–] BillMurray 3 points 4 months ago

I assume it's total outstanding debt divided by credit card holder. Kids, never carry a balance on your CC. Do not accept 20% as a reasonable loan. Spend against your budget, save up for big purchases and pay your CC bill in full!

[–] BillMurray 3 points 4 months ago

I prefer Bar Keeper's friend.

Internet Plans - Oxio (self.vancouver)
submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by BillMurray to c/[email protected]

Looks like my Telus discounts expired and I wasn't paying attention. Every couple of years this happens and I have to play the call customer support and threaten to cancel game to get my bill down. I see that both Rogers and Telus have Black Friday deals, but after 2 years the price goes up again.

I found out about another company named that has no contracts and cheaper prices than Telus. They operate on Rogers network, similar to what Tek Savvy was doing. I'll follow up with another post once the service gets connected (should be Dec 6). I'll put my referral code in in case anyone else is sick of Rogers / Telus and wants a month free (I get a month free too)


Now I get to call TELUS to cancel my services because there is no option to online. Plenty of options to add services though...

Edit: If anyone actually reads this, Oxio is solid. No problem to set up and support techs are great as well. You can't call them, only text or email but they get back to you quickly. Contacted them the first few days, mainly for mistakes I made and have had solid, consistent internet ever since.

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