You wanna know what I think?
I think they DON'T actually know, what this ultimately means. They only know that they want the undesirables gone. I 100% believe they want them gone with as little fuss and violence as possible.
The problem of impossibility hasnt quite broken through yet tho. But hey, they promised their voter base this already. So they have to pull through.
"What do you mean 'no other country will just take them' ? Welp... guess we have to designate an area in our country then. What do you mean 'not in my backyard'? Mh... that one is understandable, we will have to increase security and prevent people from fleeing our designated area, and i guess we now have to tell our voters that there is no other solution and we have to do it in someone's backyard.
No, no, this isn't starting at all to look like a concentration camp. That's preposterous! Anyway, this shit is starting to become expensive. We can't allow these people to leech off our state like this. We need to make them work in exchange for being allowed on our soil... And just look at them! They are breeding like rats and have created a shithole of criminality in that little exclave we put them in. We were right to seperate them from the normal population!
You guys... The costs just keep ramping up and this system ultimately doesn't seem to work... no other country wants to help... We need to start thinking about a permanent solution to this problem...
Well, at least we kept our promise! We even did it with as little fuss and violence as possible. It's not our fault, that that means a whole lot of fuss and violence anyway!"
This process has occured before, and not just in germany.
The Houthi rebels are attacking peaceful vessels that have nothing to do with this conflict. I personally fully support securing these shipping lanes.
If Iran didnt support the Houthis i would support them helpibg aswell. But still, there is such a thing as Freedom of navigation, so the iranian ship can go there. They just can't provoke a conflict.
Maybe a Wheel of Time reference?
Not to mention the fact that the €'s low value makes german goods much more competitive for international export.
But the earth isn't 71% water. Only its surface. So you can say the world's surface is flat, which makes the joke not work as well.
Right, because Fish&Chips doesnt contain any of that Salt and fat.^/s
Truth be told, every nation has their food quirks. It's just that from my german pov all your vinegar chips are disgusting. Chips and Crisps need Salt amd probably also paprika to be perfect. But that's decidedly german.
There is great english food. It's just that your average brit ain't making it either. Ive been to Bournemouth on a school language program several times and we had amazing Yorkshire Pudding and more good stuff once. But we also had Microwaved raw Broccoli with soggy disgusting Pizza another time.
Also: You guys have an unhealthy obsession with vinegar.
My favourite: 'geröntgt' which is the second participle of 'röntgen' to x-ray someone. Never heard it pronounced correctly by a native speaker.
I dont know the video. Can you please elaborate?
... Don't you guys have speeding cameras? As in, you drive by too fast, it snaps a pic of your license plate and after a couple of weeks you get mail saying "surprise, bitch! Here's a picture of you speeding. That'll be $400 or you're going to jail :)"?