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[–] Benjaben 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Ah bummer, I had that happen when I was younger. Completely unenjoyable, was ruined for many years. It sure seemed permanent for me, but for whatever reason edibles after all that time off worked great.

[–] Benjaben 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

What are you using for your browser now?

[–] Benjaben 10 points 1 week ago

Thanks for sharing this, hope ya continue 🤙

[–] Benjaben 1 points 1 week ago (3 children)

Could never be me lol, I'm fairly active and have gotten somewhat serious about diet, but man cannabis + ice cream...phew. Good stuff lol.

[–] Benjaben 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Lol this thread ain't about you and you know it! I know some folks do hit really massive caloric needs even just for maintenance. And hell, even just getting enough protein can be pretty tedious in my own experience, eating for you has got to be a serious chore!

I do want to point out, not to be argumentative but just in the spirit of fun - you didn't really disagree with the point lol. You said if you decide to lose weight you change diet, not exercise choice.

Just out of curiosity, what are your goals/hobbies that have your activity level so gnarly?

[–] Benjaben 1 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I think we're on the same page :)

I'm mostly describing an idea where the contracts approach takes care of the necessary iteration to get a given tech policy sorted, and then legislation comes in to require it.

My country can't even get some basic stuff done, though, so realistically I may as well be writing fan-fic, lol

[–] Benjaben 8 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I'm gonna make what I consider to be an important distinction here, but I also want to say I mostly agree with you and I'm bummed by the downvotes.

I think we can lump the middle manager into two broad "types". And you seem to be exclusively describing one of the two types - the one that's, frankly, smart and "aware" enough to realize that middle management is trash, rank and file is trash, and they know precisely why they are aiming to get above everyone. It ain't cuz they want to help, of course, and they never intend to. Fuck those people every possible way, because not only do they understand that the purpose of middle management is to be the buffer between the owners and the laborers, they also have decided - with full awareness! - fuck the laborers, I want to be good with the owners.

But there's another, sadder kind of middle manager, and I think maybe your hostility is unkind and unfair to this type. This middle manager still has the wool pulled over their eyes, they really think if they work hard and do well, they'll be rewarded! And hey, isn't the fact that they've been promoted (!) to leadership a clear indicator that they're doing things right? Just gotta keep at it, the really important people keep telling me this is what they like to see, I'll finally be able to get all these bills paid / improve my life! I'm on the way up, finally.

And then that person says "YEESH managing this store is really hard, I've gotta get better at this. My leadership doesn't seem to think this should be a struggle..."

Etc., etc., for 10, 20 years as the wool gradually falls from their eyes. Not everyone is able to see things as clearly as you are. Most middle managers, I think, are basically suckers. Naive and exploited. The rest, tho, are basically monsters without enough power to be monsters. No argument there, and fuck those people.

[–] Benjaben 2 points 1 week ago

Dude was goddamn hilarious, legit maybe borderline genius. Apparently a real fuckin prick too, lol, but he was pretty unique. Wish he had a little longer, but he used his time well.

[–] Benjaben 3 points 1 week ago

So true. There's also just a ton of bad info we all grow up with telling us that exercising for fat loss is viable, ya know? Hell, even the cardio machines (AKA the first place at the gym most new folks go when they wanna make a change) has settings for "fat burn". Which isn't...wrong, I guess, but it's super misleading, if you don't already know whassup.

Plenty of denial going around (my own included at times 😅) but dang, just getting solid info is a minefield.

[–] Benjaben 12 points 1 week ago

I just think it's really conflating two separate things. Weight loss (or gain) is primarily, overwhelmingly controlled by diet. The ~10% influence exercise has just doesn't leave much room for exercise choice to influence the weight loss goal much. In fact cardio and especially HIIT can really make the brain feel super hungry, and work against dietary goals. Anecdotally and I believe supported by literature.

So for the things that exercise and choice of exercise really contribute to, sure, choose them wisely so that they align with your goals.

But in general, people who want to lose weight should focus on diet almost entirely. And separately, almost anyone looks better with more and stronger muscle. But yeah, they're distinct goals with very different strategies. Sounds like you do agree about that.

[–] Benjaben 35 points 1 week ago (17 children)

This advice is so incomplete as to be pretty unhelpful at best. Not trying to be a jerk, but A) the kinds of workouts you're doing don't have much at all to do with weight loss, and B) the number of people for whom too much protein powder is the reason they can't lose weight is...I mean, it just must be vanishingly small. These are not the reasons most people who want to be slimmer are not, even the ones who are real active.

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