Madseasonshow. I found him when World of Warcraft Classic launched a handful of years ago. Thinking about it, he and Joe Pera have a very similar speech style.
I’d like to think Lando is standing on a box to look taller, and the shadow of the hat makes it look like Milo got a black eye for the privilege…
If I recall my terms right it’s vasogenic shock. Essentially pipes without enough fluid and thus not enough pressure make the pump go wonky… so, yea, havoc wreaked. I’d say you’re accurate there.
My pessimistic take is that the crosswalks will go before the parking.
They are so cold because there is no coal to keep them warm… much sadness indeed.
I’ve used these for years, not constantly commuting, but used a fair bit. No usb, only battery power, though I can’t recall the last time I had to swap them out. Well sealed from the elements, I used mine in many rainy trips. And bright!
Mine are 10+ years old and still go, here’s hoping they’re still built well.
Not too many residents … under 50k. Many regular folks can’t afford to live there anymore- like many, many places. The old artisans are gone, replaced by generic mass produced nick-nacks. The majority of apartments are tourist rentals, and even the quiet neighborhoods are becoming less quiet.
It may not be a tourist trap, so to say, but it is treated like an amusement park and not respected as ancient city/settlment and community as it should by many of the visitors.
Having said all that, it is also one of my favorite places to be. I’ve been lucky to have family there and be able to visit a fair number of times of the years.
Awesome! Glad to hear it wasn’t a one off experience on my end. They sent an upgrade for me too, since mine was the old style imbedded ‘cat kneading bread’ pump. The shnozzle is quite nice.
For what it’s worth… Osprey also has awesome customer support. I’ve found several backpacks of theirs thrown out, they’ve sent replacement parts free of charge.
Nice to hear there are companies like this out there.
Incredibile Crisis, on PS1.
Admittedly the story is a bit thin… the game play is purposefully enraging… but it gets a big ol’double check mark on the OST requirement thanks to the Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra.
On a totally different note and tone, Last of Us. I dig anything Gustavo Santaolalla.
Even easier-fajitas : onions and bell peppers cut about even and cooked for a bit in a bit of oil ( even a splash of water works) with a packet of fajita spice mix from the store. Cook a little longer for less crunch). Rotisserie chicken for the meat. Tortillas and cheese slices with rice if you want- boil in a bag is a-ok.
Or try frozen veg + golden brand Japanese curry. Same chicken and rice as above.
Stir fry is easy, but tricky to master the different cooking times. (These dudes might be selling themselves short, but who knows)
The theme explored in ‘Midnight in Paris’ - the Woody Allen film. And probably countless other movies and books.
The Power of One. I don’t really know how to express how the book had an impact on my life, but it circles back to me fairly regularly. Even 20+ years later.