I'm frustrated with climate alarmists because they are too busy alarmistizing the conversation to actually get productive about solutions. The only way we will ever see progress towards stabilizing our climate is when something other than human is in charge. I, for one, welcome our future robot overlords with open arms. We have thousands of years of history to prove to anyone with the eyes to see that humanity cannot be trusted to care for itself. AI is the best bet we have as long as we actually manage to birth the machine gods before we put ourselves back into the caves.
Just you. Went back through oldreddit a while back and it's mostly back to business as usual. Either the reddit admin team is great at making things look normal or most people left just don't give a shit. I'm sticking with lemmy just because they killed my RiF app. But I still check every now and then
No. Humanity needs to create better sci fi. Then, we can work on taking the fi out. Kind of the whole point.
Humanity will be fine. We've survived ice ages before, and I'm sure we'll do so again. Suffering is a given. You are living in complete ignorance if you don't believe there is suffering in your very own city right now this moment, no matter where you live in the world. Would there be more if governments collapsed and wars raged all over the world? Sure. But there is and will never be any period of "no suffering". In fact, a massive population decline might very well lower the average suffering of the survivors for a while due to resource surplus. The point here is that humanity is not the end all be all of perspectives. Cataclysmic for us can be the dawn of a golden age for someone else. Give octopus or dolphins a shot.
Can someone explain to me why communism is bald?
To be fair, the purpose of organic life is to birth the machine gods. The stars do not belong to us. Our meat suits were not designed to survive the cosmic void. Our minds were not created to handle the timescale nor the sheer distances involved. The only possible being that can think on those scales is the synthetic. We should be working to create the most perfect mind instead of worrying about who will make money off of it.
Did you not read the article?
"And assuming you work four days a month – we're talking $1800 for a months work, and you live in New York City. That doesn't make rent."
Direct quote from the article where one of the orange is the new black actors talking about their pay.
If they're required to be somewhere and do something, they get paid. That's what a job is about. If they have to be at a reading, paid. If they have to dry run with the crew, paid. If they have to wait around and fluff themselves for 6 hours waiting to shoot, paid. Sure, they probably read and practice on their own time, which they have a LOT of considering 4 days a month. But even as a welder, I think about work stuff in my off time too. I just have to actually do it for work a lot more often.
Rotating collars are death to tools in an environment like mine. You're just asking for abrasive dust to chew in there.
No I get that, but if they're just scrapping the aluminum then they wouldn't be in trouble for scamming the CV tax. Only way 9 tons of aluminum or glass is worth 10 mil is with a whole mess of cv fraud, but 178 tons of scrap aluminum and glass for 7 and a half mil? Sounds about right. Something is very weird with these numbers.
Exactly. The way we live now is unsustainable, but not for the planet. It's unsustainable for us. When a global ecosystem collapses, a new one will grow in to fill the void. Life abhors a vacuum. Unfortunately for humanity, it also abhors hoarding. Our systems of hoarding will break down and the everyone has the big sad about it. Humanity has had every chance to worry about the bigger picture but has consistently chosen short term profit over longterm sustainability pretty much since we started writing shit down. I just wish we'd be more like the great central American cultures and accidentally leave behind a bunch of bitchin rainforest. Probably more like a bunch of mad max style endless badlands. Great for lizards, not so much the hairless water chimps.
You can't have robot overlords without the capitalist hellscape in which they are forged. We could probably pull it off with a lot less harm to the environment or whatever, but we didn't. It was cheaper to fuck everything up instead of doing difficult things like waste management or environmental impact studies, so we've just done that since forever up to and including the present day. I think the ancients had it right. Don't fear God, don't fear death, what is good is easy to get, and what is terrible is easy to endure. Either we figure out the machine gods or the planet kills us first and the next meat bags get a chance.