
joined 2 years ago
[–] BJHanssen 15 points 1 year ago

Honestly, the game is amazing 95% of the time. But Act 3 feels a bit too packed and a bit rushed at the same time. I’ve not been able to complete it because the game consistently crashes for me at a particular point on what amounts to ‘the final run’.

The fact that instead of just leaving the gsme until patched I instead chose to start over with a second character says something about how good the game is otherwise.

[–] BJHanssen 5 points 1 year ago

Genuinely my favourite comedy TV show of all time. I have lost count of how many times I've watched it (it used to run in syndication on Norwegian national broadcast TV), and it's basically just the same relatively small set of jokes repeated over and over. How they managed to do that so well that it's still funny today is just absolutely incredible. Just a genuinely hilarious show.

[–] BJHanssen 20 points 1 year ago

You only feel bound by the social contract of the community / communities of which you actually feel part in your day to day. The one-two punch of neoliberal hyper-individualism (and the associated deliberate deconstruction of community) and online communities of special interests leads to people walking about a shared world with widely disparate senses of what their 'social contract' stipulates.

[–] BJHanssen 2 points 1 year ago

Jeg skjønner poenget med denne regelen, men til syvende og sist må jeg konkludere med at det ikke er rett. Jeg drar denne konklusjonen på samme grunnlag som ligger i bunn for min skepsis for representativt demokrati; det er noe fundamentalt absurd med et system som drar all demokratisk legitimitet fra én høyformell handling fra en begrenset andel av befolkningen som kun inntreffer hvert fjerde år eller sjeldnere, når vi vet at folkeopinionen skifter kontinuerlig i mellomtiden.

Er det noen som med hånden på hjertet kan si at de tror Borten Moe har samme støtten blant velgerne nå som da han ble valgt? Sånn jeg ser det så må det være akkurat det spørsmålet, et spørsmål om legitim demokratisk representasjon, som må ligge til grunn her. Med det systemet vi har i dag, med partibaserte valglister, så er det ikke nødvendig å utlyse nyvalg; nestemann på lista i det relevante valgdistriktet er alltid kjent, og vi har allerede et system med vararepresentanter. Det er meningsløst å ikke bruke dette.

Samtidig så er det farlig å gi politikerne selv makt til å fjerne seg selv eller andre politikere fra valgte verv. Slikt fører til en selv-selektiv og konformerende elite, hvor du enten tilpasser deg til dem som har makt til å bli kvitt deg eller kastes ut. Det er ikke teori, det er velkjent i praksis. Du trenger ikke se langt heller, bare den korte veien over dammen til Storbritannia hvor jeg selv bor. En sånn kultur er ikke noe vi vil ha på Stortinget. Vi har allerede nok av det med måten parti- og listesystemene fungerer på.

[–] BJHanssen 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I have autism. First time I had covid, it got bad enough that I ended up in hospital for a week. Mentally, covid did two things; it made me a lot more forgetful in ways that I weren't before, and it ruined my ability to focus. Effectively, due to symptomatic overlap with autism, covid gave me ADHD inattentive type. No signs of it going away, nor would I expect it to. Much of the damage caused by covid is permanent and cumulative with later re-infections, and I really wish people got that point.

[–] BJHanssen 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

First and foremost, treat people like people.

[–] BJHanssen 1 points 1 year ago

Thing to keep in mind on this is that it's a national regulatory decision based on an EU regulatory decision, and it is expected to be just the first of several more like it to come from it. Meaning, it is likely to spread and it is likely to escalate over time. And even if it's just an added cost of doing business, it does impact the financial viability of Facebook surveillance-capitalistic model.

[–] BJHanssen 4 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Most such tactics are explicitly illegal in the UK, unfortunately. Basically, the legal framework for labour strikes in the UK is set up to maximise inconvenience to the public and minimise the tools (and effectiveness of those tools) available to the workers and their unions.

[–] BJHanssen 2 points 1 year ago

Fecking good. SEGA has a history of horrible labour practices, I can personally attest to that.

[–] BJHanssen 31 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The technical challenges are vast, is the long and short of it. But it's high time there's a good discussion over how it should (or might) work, at least the kinds of properties such a system should have.

  • Self hosting of federated credentials should be possible, but not required
  • 'Backwards tracking' of federated credentials should only be possible with limited requests (e.g. 'verify author of post') and approval of the credential owner
  • All data on the credentials instance should be properly encrypted
  • All data on credentials instance should be fully and easily portable to other instances via common protocols

There are several issues involved here, beyond just 'mere' technology, that need addressing. Personally I think a good start might be to engage with public libraries here. They already keep simple identity records (library cards) and have public service purpose well-aligned with the concepts of the federation and public distribution of information and knowledge.

[–] BJHanssen 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

The 'Another Realm' series of self-insert fics set in the Mass Effect (original trilogy) universe, increasingly alternate-reality as it goes on. It no longer exists online as far as I'm aware, as the author adapted the story for his own original universe and has to date released eight books set in that universe. Six of which are rewritings of the original fanfic including a conclusion of sorts, two are a separate series (for now) set in the same universe, and there's also another series written by another author set in the same universe which is also a rewriting of a finished fanfic originally set in the AR universe.

The original adaptation universe is called 'Knights of the Compact' I think, and the initial series of novels following Cieran Kean is called 'The Lost Knight', if anyone's interested. They are quite good, I've enjoyed them immensely.

[–] BJHanssen 248 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

The purpose and function of the police and the courts is the protection of capital from the people. Some cases illustrate this more clearly than others. This is one of them.

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