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[–] BJHanssen 26 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I believe the signs have always pointed to it being a one-two punch of lingering inflammation and actual lasting physical damage to the blood vessels, including in the brain. The fatigue symptoms dissipated for me after about a year, but the inability to focus and the shite memory has not and likely will not go away. Also my muscles got fucked by the rhabdo and my EDS got much worse, but hey…

Every new piece of scholarly evidence is good to have.

[–] BJHanssen 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I need people to understand that a private healthcare sector cannot provide a 'buffer service' for a public one. The reason is very simple; both sectors hire from the same small pool of qualified personnel, so any capacity gained by one is capacity lost from the other. The only sense in which additional capacity can be added is in infrastructure; beds, rooms, and equipment. But in practice, a lot of private health infrastructure is effectively just timeshared public health infrastructure, and what remains would be more effectively utilised if simply made part of the public sector.

The current approach is effectively the most expensive possible approach to alleviating the pressure on the NHS, save for getting rid of it altogether. But I guess the better alternatives aren't acceptable, especially not to ministers and MPs who are paid tens of thousands by the sector that would be under threat by such measures.

[–] BJHanssen 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

If he gets caught (hope he doesn’t), I hope he gets prosecuted, pleads self defense, and wins.

Because let’s be honest, this is 100% a case of community self defense.

[–] BJHanssen 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Just absolute nonsense. Most minor spot on her record from 13 years ago, this isn’t to do with that at all. This is moneyed interests telling the government that if they can cause this much of a ruckus for something this minor, imagine what they could do with all the far worse shit they have in their back pocket on anyone else who might dare threaten their interests.

[–] BJHanssen 6 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I may be wrong about the actual reason for this - as ‘double V’ is also quite common - and it may just end up being some kind of ‘well when the printing press came to England’ thing, but:

In the classical Latin alphabet, the letter ‘V’ was not actually representative of what we today recognise as the /u/ sound (or its variants). It was in fact the written form of the /u/ sound (and related variants). So when the W was introduced to the English alphabet, I guess it was indeed a ‘double /u/‘.

[–] BJHanssen 3 points 3 months ago

This has been a necessary step for over a decade, honestly. Hoping it goes well.

[–] BJHanssen 6 points 4 months ago (2 children)

I’m from Vesterålen in Northern Norway and this is giving me huge home vibes.

[–] BJHanssen 31 points 5 months ago (3 children)

‘Collectivizing power from the wealthy’ also known as… democracy? Is the anti-communist just saying the quiet part out loud here?

[–] BJHanssen 2 points 5 months ago

Sure, and that will be great I’m sure, but an evil version of a character we’ve just been introduced to won’t hit the same.

[–] BJHanssen 4 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

So I’m guessing it’s a combination of dun/den/tun etc being a common suffix in a lot of historical languages, and ‘ei’ being an extremely common diphthong worldwide just… leading to a lot of similar-sounding names that also converge in spelling in modern English?

[–] BJHanssen 5 points 5 months ago (2 children)

MCU doesn’t really have a ‘proper’ Reed Richards, so the alternate universe Evil Reed from Secret Wars couldn’t work that way. The only brains of the MCU that could fill that role in that plot would be either Stark or Bannon, and the latter is a) still alive and b) already his own foil and his genius isn’t really played in the same way anyway. B-list alternative would be Hank Pym but he’s not been central to the MCU in anything like the same way as the other two.

Honestly I think it might work pretty well story-wise. Though actual reason is just… well, money. And the course correction aspect previously mentioned in these comments.

[–] BJHanssen 20 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (1 children)

I’m sorry, but ‘crash when pressing Ctrl+C’ is a hilarious bug.

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